1. To put on an ____________VBS program with solid ________ content
Exciting. Bible
Present the ______ in simple, Scriptural terms.
What does the Gold page stand for?
What is the Bible verse?
What 3 Truths are you teaching? God is...
Finish the link sentence: There is one thing that...
John 3:16
God is Creator, Holy, and Love
...can never enter Heaven because it would spoil it, and that is sin.
Give the 4 types of LEARNERS and WHAT will help each of them learn.
Visual - pictures, objects
Auditory - sound effects, songs, voices
Tactile - crafts, things they can touch
Kinesthetic - action
Create an atmosphere where students T________
To A______ children to VBS
Avoid the ______ instinct
What does the Dark Page stand for?
What is the definition of sin?
Bible verse to teach...
Sin must be punished with _______
Link: God has provided a way...
Anything we do, say, or think that does not please God.
Romans 3:23
....so that you don't have to be punished for your sin.
How will you actively involve your students in the learning process? Name 3 of 5 things
Drama - act out the story
Sound effects/voices
State specifically how you expect students to A___
To win the ___________.
Practice using The __________ Book which has five ________.
Wordless. Colors
The RED page stands for?
Jesus, God's ______, was born, lived a sinless life, was crucified, and ______ His ______ to pay for our sins. He rose again and lives in __________.
Link: Because of what Jesus has done....
Jesus' blood.
Son ...shed ..... blood .....Heaven.
....you and I can have our sins forgiven.
How will you make the lessons come alive? Name 2 of 3 ways
Be enthusiastic.
Your face, eyes, gestures say "this is interesting"
Practice with a friend or a mirror.
Notice and praise students when they do things R____
To encourage Christian ____________.
Deal with children in ______ groups.
What does the CLEAN page stand for?
Ask the child, what do you want Jesus to ___ for you today.
What Bible verse?
What Memory Key will help you on this page?
LINK: Now that you are God's child....
John 1:12
He wants you to get to know Him better.
How will you work together to find Biblical guidance for every day living? Name 2 of 3 ways
Connect their life to Bible events.
Discuss how truths can apply to everyday situations.
Use Bible verses to teach truth.
Plan A____, organize your day, and think through trouble spots.
To ___________ church workers and _________ new people in the life and ministry of your church.
Train. Involve
Don't just tell the student what to do but _____ ____________ to see what they understand.
Ask questions
What does the GREEN page stand for?
What Bible verse is used for confession of sin?
What four ways can one GROW in Christ?
What Bible verse is used for ASSURANCE of salvation?
Lastly, ________ God for what He has done for you.
Growing in Christ
I John 1:9
PRAY, READ God's WORD, Worship, Witness
I John 5:13
What are the tips to being a good story teller? Name 3 of 4 ways
Live the story
Use variation of voices for different characters
Use speed or use volume in your voice
Hold visuals properly - so children are not distracted
Keep your lessons exciting and R______ to students' lives.