How many books are in the Old Testament?
Who is the number one all time leading scorer in the NBA?
Lebron James
Who sang at the 47th Presidential inauguration (a-cappella)?
Carrie Underwood
When did the first personal computer come out?
Read Genesis 22:14 NLT
14 Abraham named the place Yahweh-Yireh (which means “the Lord will provide”). To this day, people still use that name as a proverb: “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”
How many plagues did God send to Egypt?
Who won the 2022 NFL Super Bowl?
Los Angeles Rams
What instrument did King David play in the Bible?
The Harp
What is the newest iPhone model?
Read Joshua 24:14 NLT
Joshua 24:14 NLT
14 “So fear the Lord and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord alone.
What was the first recorded miracle that Jesus performed?
He turned water into wine.
(John 2:11)
Who is the all time home-run leader in MLB?
Barry Bonds (762 Home runs)
What older Christian Rock band came to the community center?
What startup, acquired by Facebook for $1 billion in 2012, became the fourth most downloaded app in the 2010s and is known for the posting of pictures?
I will praise the Lord at all times.
I will constantly speak his praises.
2 I will boast only in the Lord;
let all who are helpless take heart.
3 Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness;
let us exalt his name together.
After Jesus fed 5,000 people, how many baskets of food were left over?
(Mark 8:19-21)
Which boxer fought against Muhammad Ali and won?
Joe Frazier
Who is the #1 sung Christian artist?
Chris Tomlin
When a password is limited strictly to numeric characters, the secret is often referred to as a PIN. What does that acronym stand for?
Personal Identification Number
Read John 10:17-18 NLT
John 10:17-18 NLT
17 “The Father loves me because I sacrifice my life so I may take it back again. 18 No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded.”
Where is the Fruit of the Spirit found in the Bible?
Galatians 5
What team won 3 Super Bowls in the 1990s?
What is the best-selling album of all time?
Michael Jackson's (Thriller)
ByteDance is a Chinese internet technology company headquartered in Beijing that is most famously the owner of what mega-popular social media platform?
Read Romans 8:1 NLT
Romans 8:1
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.