How much the average person in this career can expect to earn.
What is the median salary?
This educator and Author is quoted for both
•“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”
"Begin with the end in mind"
Who is Stephen Covey?
The 5 elements of a SMART goal
What are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound?
Where someone gets help selecting classes
Where is Academic Advising?
The originator of CliftonStrengths
Who is Don Clifton?
Other jobs and careers that are similar to the career of choice?
What are related careers?
This attorney from India is Quoted as saying “The future depends on what you do today.”
Who is Mahatma Gandhi?
Why it's important to set effective goals.
What is, they guide our actions, give us deadlines and hold us accountable?
Where a student gets help with grammar and punctuation.
Where is the Writing Center?
Because they run
Why don't cheetahs swim?
The prerequisites or the minimum qualifications for this career.
What are entry qualifications?
When asked about life and the future Mae West stated “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough", who also worked in this career.
What is actress/singer/comedian/ entertainer?
A goal that you have for youself
What is relevant?
Books, laptops, movies, calculators
What are items students can check out from the library?
Two strengths that start with an A
What are Achiever, Arranger, Activator, Analytical, Adaptability?
This term describes where someone with this career work as well as what you could expect to happen in a typical day.
What is the work environment?
The ability to use one's time effectively and productively
What is time management?
The element of a SMART goal that shows us when it's accomplished.
Direct Connect
What is the program with UCF that guarantees Valencia's AA graduates acceptance into the university?
What is Winning Others Over, the most rare strength?
Attitudes and beliefs about yourself, others and the world
What are mindsets?
Katharine Whitehorn described the ideal career as “Find out what you like doing best, and________________________
and get someone to pay you for doing it.
Happiness and fulfillment
What results from living in your purpose?
How to access your degree audit
Where is Atlas?
The CliftonStrengths Domains
What are Strategic, Influencing, Relationships and Executing?