In which book did the main character never get to celebrate her birthday?
What is Kelcie Murphy and the Academy for the Unbreakable Arts
What does Jess's trunk look like?
What is old and gray and made out of wood.
Why hasn't Mallory been sleeping well lately?
What is she's been having nightmares.
Where had Raymond and his parents been living before they came to River Mill?
What is Maryland
What did Haven Hall look like from the outside?
What is a mortuary
In which book do some characters take health supplements that are different for each day of the week?
What is Fake.
What is NOT in the package Finn gives to Chloe?
What is snacks.
What does Mallory find in her closet that upsets her?
What is water.
What did Raymond want to win at the bingo game?
What is a sleeping bag.
What is a pulse elemental?
In which book did a character think a frying pan was a luxury?
What is How to Stay Invisible?
What is FOG?
What is "feet off the ground"
Why is it easy to get around in Eastport?
What is there aren't that many streets.
How did Rosie get hurt?
What is she was trying to protect Raymond from a coyote.
What is a group of squirrls called?
What is a scurry
In which book does a character scare their friends by screaming because of a spider?
What is The Girl in White
What was the music teacher's name?
What is Ms. Singer
How did Bri know so much about Sweet Molly?
What is Bri did research to help her get the part of Sweet Molly.
What was Harlin surprised that Lexi knew a lot about?
What is NASCAR drivers
Which was Grady's mom's favorite stained glass window?
What is the one about Jesus ascending up into the clouds.
In which book did a character admire a house for being a classic Victorian?
What is Mystery of the Radcliffe Riddle
What is she needs the network to fix her hacking mistake.
What was the new business that opened after the anniversary parade?
What is a museum
How did Stigs know Ms. Marcus?
What is she was going to marry his son
What was the last thing Grady's mom gave to him?
What is a hug.