Vectors and Scalars
Horizontal and Vertical Components
Vector Resolution
Work Problems
30 m/hr East is classified as a __________
What is a vector
doesn't change- 9.8 m/s every second but the vector does change
What is horizontal motion of projectiles
A plane is traveling 300 m/hr East and encounters a headwind of 107 m/hr West. What is the plane's resulting speed?
What is 193 m/ hr East
A rock is launches off a cliff at 10 m/s and that height of the cliff is 108 m. What is the horizontal displacement?
What is 184 m
What is Dy
What is the vertical distance an object falls
20s is classified as _________
What is scalar
would the the time stay the same if a soccer ball is punted in the air with acceleration of 10 m/s vertically?
What is yes.
Sally is rowing down a river at 7 m/hr North and encounters a current that is 10 m/hr North. What is her resulting speed?
What is 17 m/hr North
A monkey throws a banana off 15 m tall tree. The banana fell 8 m away from the tree. What was the horizontal velocity of the banana?
What is 4.7 m
the formula for time is ____________
What is the square root of 2dy divided by g
600m North + 100m east + 300m south + 200m west = ________________ and is classified as ________________
What is 316.23m Northwest and is classified as displacement
Does air resistance count if the horizontal velocity is constant in a projectile?
What is no.
John walks North 8 m, West 1 m, and South 8 m. What is his resulting displacement?
What is 1 m West
A ball is shot at a bucket from a table with a height of 25 m. The initial velocity is 4.5 m/s. What is the horizontal displacement?
What is 9.9 m
Ms. Carver's favorite baseball team?
What is the Boston Red Sox!
Jenny and Ron traveled due south toward Florida and traveled 60km the first day.They then traveled 50km the next day and 20km the third day. They finally traveled 70 km the last day to reach Florida. What is Ron and Jenny's displacement to finally reach Florida?
What is 205 km South
a football was punted with a vertical velocity of 30 m/s. Find the vertical velocity at its peak.
What is 0 m/s at its peak
A bird boat is traveling 10 m/s East and encountered a current that is 3.5 m/s North. What is its resultant velocity?
What is 10.60 m/s East
a dead duck falls off the roof of a house with an initial velocity of 65.5 m/s. The house is 73 feet tall. What is the horizontal displacement of the duck?
What is 250.21 m
Why is black friday called black friday?
What is because before black friday everything is so expensive and stores go in the "red" zone (bad) and since on black friday everything goes on sale all the stores go into the "black" zone (good)
if the birds fly due north and cover 300 km on the first day, 600 km on the second day, and 200 km on the third. Draw a vector diagram of their trip and find their total displacement of their journey?
What is 1,100 km North
When a kickball is punted into the air is the velocity increasing my 9.8 m/s when its going up or going down?
What is when the ball is going down
John walks in a straight line from point A to point B. Mary also walks from point A to point B, but her distance is 10 m more than Johns. True or false, May and John's displacement is the same?
What is true
A penny is dropped from a bulding w/ a horizontal velocity of 15 m/s. It lands 22 m away from the building. How tall is the building?
What is 11.25 m
what is Ms. Carvers full legal name? (that includes middle name)
What is Patricia Ann Carver