Misc Facts
Horizontal and Vertical Components
Adding Vectors
Work Problems
Additional Facts
Compared to shooting a bullet, when would dropping a bullet from the same height land?
What is land at the same time?
This is the shape of the path of all projectiles.
What is a parabola?
A plane is traveling 300 m/hr East and encounters a headwind of 107 m/hr West. What is the plane's resulting speed?
What is 193 m/ hr East
A rock is launched off a cliff at 10 m/s and that height of the cliff is 108 m. The horizontal displacement is
What is 45.95 m?
What is y
What is the vertical distance an object falls
This is friction that all projectiles on earth undergo.
What is air resistance?
It doesn't change, this velocity stays the same.
What is horizontal velocity of projectiles?
Sally is rowing down a river at 7 m/hr North and encounters a current that is 10 m/hr North. What is her resulting speed?
What is 17 m/hr North
A monkey throws a banana off 15 m tall tree. The banana fell 8 m away from the tree. The horizontal velocity of the banana is
What is 4.57 m/s?
the formula for time, when the initial velocity is 0, is ____________
What is the square root of 2y divided by g
Increasing the gravitational pull has this effect on a projectile.
Decreases the maximum height and range of the projectile.
This is the only force that acts on a projectile.
What is gravity?
John walks North 8 m, West 1 m, and South 8 m. What is his resulting displacement?
What is 1 m West
A ball is shot at a bucket from a table with a height of 25 m. The initial velocity is 4.5 m/s. The horizontal distance of the ball is
What is 9.9 m?
This is what the path of a projectile is called.
What is the trajectory?
This is true about the acceleration of a projectile during its flight.
What is it never changes. Its always 9.81 m/s^2
This is the equation for vertical velocity
What is Vy =Viy + gt?
A bird boat is traveling 10 m/s East and encountered a current that is 3.5 m/s North. What is its resultant velocity?
What is 10.60 m/s East
a dead duck falls off the roof of a house with an initial velocity of 65.5 m/s. The house is 73 feet tall. The horizontal displacement of the duck is
What is 139.6 m?
These are the 2 ways to change the range of your projectile.
What are change initial velocity and launch angle.
A projectile is an object that only is under the influence of gravity. That is also the definition of this.
What is free fall?
This is the only equation that works in the horizontal direction.
What is Vx = x / t
John walks in a straight line from point A to point B. Mary also walks from point A to point B, but her distance is 10 m more than Johns. True or false, May and John's displacement is the same?
What is true
A long jumper leaves the ground at an angle of 20.° to the horizontal, and at a speed of 11.5 m/s. The maximum height reached is___________ and he lands at a distance of ________.
What is 0.722 m and 7.94 m?
This is the best angle to launch a projectile to get the longest range.
What is 45 degrees?