Conceptual Vertical
Angled Projectile
Conceptual Horizontal

A boat is on a river going 12 mph North relative to the water. The water is flowing south at 8 mph. What is the velocity of the boat relative to the shore?

4 mph North


A green ball is thrown upwards with a velocity of 9.8 m/s from a height of 75 meters. At the same time, a red ball is thrown from the same initial height downwards with a speed of 9.8 m/s. One second after releasing the balls, what is the velocity of each ball?

Green = 0 m/s

Red = -19.6 m/s


A ball is rolled off a 1-m tall tabletop at 5 m/s. Another ball is rolled off the same tabletop at 10 m/s. Which ball takes a longer time to hit the ground?



What is the shape of the path of all projectiles



An orange ball is thrown outwards with a velocity of 20 m/s from a height of 4.9 meters. At the same time, a turquoise ball is dropped from rest at the same initial height. Which ball hits the ground first?



Determine the west component of the following vector:

25 meters at 35 degrees North of West

20.49 m


What variable are we trying to find this unit when using this equation?



A ball is rolled off a 1-m tall tabletop at 5 m/s. Another ball is rolled off the same tabletop at 10 m/s. Which ball has a greater range?

The second one rolled at 10 m/s


What angle results in maximum range for a projectile if the projectile is launched at the ground and lands at the ground?



An orange ball is thrown outwards with a velocity of 20 m/s from a height of 4.9 meters. At the same time, a turquoise ball is dropped from rest at the same initial height. Which has a greater vertical component when hitting the ground?

Same same (both being accelerated vertically by gravity)


An object is launched upwards with an initial speed of 50 m/s. After 7 seconds, what will be the approximate velocity of the object, the nearest tens place?

-20 m/s (remember, acceleration due to gravity is ROUGHLY -10m/s2


A green ball is thrown upwards with a velocity of 9.8 m/s from a height of 75 meters. At the same time, a red ball is thrown from the same initial height downwards with a speed of 9.8 m/s.  Which ball will hit the ground with a larger speed?

Same-Same (Think about green on the way back down. When it reaches the height it was launched at, it will have the same speed as the red ball when it was initially thrown downwards)


An object is launched from the ground at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal at some speed. The object lands back at the same height it was launched. The total air time is 4.00 seconds. How long did it take the object to go from the ground to the tippity top?

2 seconds


A projectile is launched from the ground at 22 degrees and reaches 10m. What other angle could have been used to obtain this same range?



An orange ball is thrown outwards with a velocity of 20 m/s from a height of 4.9 meters. At the same time, a turquoise ball is dropped from rest at the same initial height. What is the orange ball’s horizontal component of speed when hitting the ground?

20 m/s


Diane rows a boat at 8.0 m/s East directly across a river that flows at 6.0 m/s South. It takes her 15 seconds to cross the river. On a separate day, Diane rows the boat at 8.0 m/s East directly across the same river, but now it is flowing at 10.0 m/s South. The time for Diane to cross the second time will be...

Same time - 15 seconds. These


A green ball is thrown upwards with a velocity of 9.8 m/s from a height of 75 meters. At the same time, a red ball is thrown from the same initial height downwards with a speed of 9.8 m/s. One second after releasing the balls, what is the acceleration of each ball?

Both are -9.8 m/s2


An object is launched from a 10 m tall cliff at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal at some speed. When will the object have the same vertical speed again?

At the same height above ground, when it is at a height of 10 m on the way down


For an angled projectile, what is the vertical velocity at the tippity top AND the acceleration at the tippity top?

velocity = 0m/s

acceleration = -9.8 m/s2


An orange ball is thrown outwards with a velocity of 20 m/s from a height of 4.9 meters. At the same time, a turquoise ball is dropped from rest at the same initial height. What is the turquoise ball’s speed when hitting the ground?

-9.8 m/s


A boat is traveling east across a river at 10 mph relative to the water. The river is flowing south at 6 mph. What is the velocity of the boat relative to shore?

11.66 mph @ 30.96S of E


How many pets does Mr. Baughman have?

2 (obviously not relevant for this test)


An object is launched from a 10 meter tall cliff at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal at some speed. The total air time was 4.00 seconds. How long did it take the object to go from the cliff to the tippity top?

More than, less than, or equal to 2 seconds?

Less than 2 seconds


Suppose an airplane drops a package out of its cargo hold while it is travelling through the sky with a constant horizontal speed of 150 mph. When the package hits the ground, the horizontal speed of the package will be:

150 mph
