The last name of my family is
What is my last name?
I have few best friends in canada
Name one of my best friends in canada?
What is one of my most favourite tv show?
I have a xbox
Do i play my xbox with my brother?
I have a lot of favourite sujects
My grandma and grandpa don't live in canada
Where do my grandma and grandpa live?
I had a lot of friends in india
I like cartoon tv shows
Is one of them spongebob?
We can play with a controller or without
DO we play multiplayer games?
Art is nice and i like it
Why do i like about arts?
I have Cousins
How many cousin do i have?
My friend in canada and i like different colour
What colour did my friend like if i liked pink?
The tv i really like is a superhero's
Which superhero tv show do i watch
I have a most favourite game in all of them
What is the most favourite game?
I like math too
are math equations easy or hard for me?
Why am i named vedha?
I had a very very best friend in india
Which grade was my best friend in?
I watch a 2-3 telugu tv shows
What category tv show do i watch
I have a kinect with my xbox
Do you know my favourite kinect game?
Language i really don't know..
Am i good at language?
I had a name before i got the name vedha
What is my name before the name vedha?
I like to play in recess with my best friend in canada
Did my best friend like to play or talk?
I have my most favourite tv show in that category
What is the name of the tv show?
We downloaded a lot of xbox game
How many game did we download?
I like to do my work
Do i finish my work fast?