These vegetables are edible underground stems of plants.
What is a tuber
This vegetable grows on a tall, thick stalk and resemble miniature cabbages.
What are Brussels Sprouts
This cooking method is most appropriate for eggplant.
What is broiling?
Yellow suash and zucchini are considered this type of squash.
What is a summer squash?
Popeye got his stength from this vegetable.
What is spinach?
Farming without dirt in a nutrient-rich watery environment
What is hydroponic farming
A sweet potato is this type of vegetable.
What is a tuber?
Button and Shitake
What are types of mushrooms?
When you eat this vegetable you are actually eating the flower.
What is broccoli
Name a vegetable you eat that's a root (or part of one).
What is carrot, turnip, beet, radish, or potato?
How tubers should be stored.
What is dry and unpeeled
This vegetable is a type of beet which does not have a root. (Hint: The name is a colloquial term for the country bordered by these countries; Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein)
What is Swiss Chard?
Cucumbers are this type of vegetable.
What is a fruit vegetable?
This vegetable is good for your eyesight and used to make cakes.
What is a carrot?
Name a vegetable which is red on the inside and outside.
What are red cabbage or red beets?
The best way to maintain overall quality is to cook vegetables slowly and serve them soft (T or F)
What is false
This onion family vegetable has the mildest flavor.
What is a leek?
The name for the cluster in which garlic grows.
What is the head?
This letter is also a letter of the alphabet.
What is a pea (P)?
This vegetable can be green, red, neon, hot, mild.
What are peppers?
Most vegetables need to be kept dry because excess moisture causes produce to spoil (T or F)
What is true
These salad greens may be more tender and can be planted in the spring for a harvest a few weeks later.
What are field mixes.
The vitamin orange vegetables are high in.
What is vitamin A?
Only one in five people eat enough of these a day.
What are vegetables?
What vegetable is known for its firm texture and is often used in salads as a side?
What is a cucumber.