Definition: embryonic seed leaves -- they are the first to appear after germination. Monocots have one, dicots have two.
What is cotyledon?
Describe the leaf arrangement for this basil plant.
What is opposite?
Coconuts, cherries, peaches and plums are all examples of this kind of fruit.
What is a drupe?
Name the structure labeled 9.
What is the receptacle?
What are the two types of vascular tissues?
What are the xylem and phloem?
Definition: a thin, multi-branched root system
What is fibrous root?
Describe the leaf type.
These fruits form from one flower with one ovary and have multiple seeds. Examples include tomatoes, bananas, cucumbers, and pumpkins.
What is a berry?
Name the structure labeled 5.
What is anther?
Describe where nodes are located on a plant.
What is where the petioles connect to the main stem?
Word: Indehiscent
What is: a dry fruit that splits open when it is ripe?
Describe the leaf margin on this eggplant leaf.
What is lobed?
What is the difference between aggregate fruits and multiple fruits?
Aggregate fruits form from one flower having many pistils. Multiple fruits form from multiple flowers.
Name the structure labeled 3.
What is the stigma?
List the three steps of transpiration!
1. Water is absorbed by the roots
2. Water travels up the stem through the xylem
3. Water escapes as vapor through the open stomata
Definition: another word for the sepals of a flower that protect the flower bud during formation.
Hint: Tomato fruits retain these; the little green stars on top of the fruit.
What is a calyx?
Describe the leaf type for this White Ash tree leaf.
What is pinnately compound?
What kind of fruit is a pineapple and how does it form?
What is a multiple fruit -- forms from multiple flowers that cluster together.
Name the structure labeled 10.
What is the sepal?
What does the mitochondria do during cellular respiration?
What is break down glucose for energy in the form of ATP?
Word: Receptacle
What is the "chalice" that encases the ovary -- the base of the flower where it connects to the pedicel (flower stalk)
Describe the leaf arrangement for this romaine lettuce.
What is basal rosette?
List and describe the three layers of the pericarp.
What is the:
exocarp (outer layer of the fruit/"skin")
mesocarp (fleshy middle part)
endocarp (innermost layer encasing the seed)
Structures 2, 3 and 4 are all part of what overall structure?
What is the pistil?
You have a raised bed that is 4ft x 8ft. You want to plant one row of bush beans longwise. Their recommended plant spacing is 4-6" apart. How many bean plants can you fit in your row?