Boston Scientific
What is the BEST workflow to use in CareLink, and why?

Best workflow:

Missed Transmissions, Disconnected Monitors, Scheduling

We do this so we can have an accurate amount of "snoozed patients" with the gray disconnect symbol on the Missed Transmission List. This ensures we are catching wireless patients who do not stay remotely connected, and require reminder calls when to send in their transmission as they are due based on the PML schedule. 


List the steps to export a transmission in Latitude. 

  • When in a patient chart and there is a transmission to be exported under the “Follow-up History” tab pay attention to the date of the transmission to be exported 
  • Navigate to “Manage Clinic”, then select “Manage EMR Integration” 
  • Enter date of desired of transmission to be exported in the “From” and “To” fields, and select “Filter” 
  • Once filtered, all transmissions for patients obtained on this date will appear. Locate the desired patient on the transmission list, and select “Send to EMR”
  • Once selecting “Send to EMR” the transmission will be exported to the patient’s PaceMate LIVE Chart and the option to send the transmission will be grayed out indicating the action has already been taken 

Describe the Merlin Disabled Monitoring feature and how we use it. 

  • This feature in Merlin is for patients who cannot remain connected due to poor connectivity and requires clinic permission to change this setting. Activating this setting will take the patient off the disconnect list since they will perform manual transmissions instead of automatic wireless transmissions due to connectivity issues.  
  • To perform this action after gaining clinic permission, navigate to the “Transmitter” tab in the Merlin chart, click edit, and scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the “Disconnected Transmitter Thresholds” where you will uncheck the two boxes: “Monitor patient’s transmitter communication status” and “Monitor patient’s DirectAlert™ Check status” 
  • Once saved, this action will prevent the patient from populating on the Disconnected Transmitters list. The patient will continue to show as a “Disabled” status on the Overdue Follow-up list. 

Where can you find old transmissions in a patient Biotronik chart?

 Recordings Tab


What type of search can you use in CareLink to find if a patient was discontinued in CareLink?

Advanced Search, Clinic Transactions, Patient Transaction Search


Where is the location of the Latitude User ID and Security Questions?

  • Login to desired Latitude portal 
  • Navigate to “My Profile” 

    • Under the “Manage Clinic Users” tab, scroll down to the “Login Information” section. 
    • Locate the “User ID and Password” and “Security” sections. 
    • The User ID is listed in the “User ID and Password” section. This will be different for each clinic. 

  • The security questions are listed under the “Security” section.   

Provide the difference between the Transmission tab and All Transmissions in the Merlin patient chart. 

  • Transmission Tab - shows patient most recent transmission 
  • All Transmissions - shows all transmssions patient has sent with current implant 

Biotronik patients whose devices are disconnected for ---, will automatically be sent to a Deactivated list.  

>90 days


List the steps to follow when you get a Notice of Device Replacement. 

  1. Select “Remind Me Later” 

  2. Open the patient’s PML chart 

  3. Document this note - “There is a notice of device replacement for this device. Please go to Carelink and either accept or edit the new device information.” as a pending “PaceMate Request” note 

  4. Snooze the patient off the disconnect list/Acknowledge the patient off the missed f/u list. We will not contact the patient regarding the old device currently showing on the account 


Provide the steps to addressing a patient with a transferred status.

-Click into the patient’s chart by clicking on their name to open their chart. 

-Pull the patient up in PML, mark them as transferred, and put them in your emails to the clinic.  If the patient does not have a PML account, add to your emails only (be sure to do this before you unenroll).


List the Unenrollment steps. 

  1. Verify clear instruction from the clinic/customer to unenroll patient from  

  1. Release patient from Merlin – select “Remove from” 

  1. Disable “Direct Alerts” in

  2. Paste this note into Connectivity Note box and Save: Patient has been unenrolled from per clinic request on [date].  Alert checks and wireless schedule have been deactivated per protocol.

  3. Disable wireless schedule in

  4. Repeat same note into a pinned PaceMate Request note in PaceMate LIVE

  5. Turn Do Not Call slider on in PML  


Name 3 devices that are affected by Sleep Mode.


  • Etrinsa   
  • Edora  
  • Eluna
  • Entovis  
  • Estella  
  • Evia   

Defibrillators: Rarely seen as they are older models  

  • Lumax 5  
  • Lumax 3   

All loop recorders  

  • Biomonitor II   
  • Biomonitor III

A patient has a Cobalt implanted. The patient does have a DX code for Heart Failure and the clinic does dual billing. Give the correct schedule interval for a Cobalt. 

31 days


Provide the steps to follow for a Disabled Monitoring alert in a Latitude patient chart. 

  • Copy the entire warning message in the Latitude chart.
  • Navigate to the patient's PML chart and paste that message you copied into the Note box. In the note, also ask the clinic to provide a plan of care for the patient and if we have permission to unenroll them from the vendor. 
  • Post your note as PaceMate Request note and leave it pending. This will serve to alert the clinic's staff. 

Do NOT send a call to the patient for either disconnection or transmission request. 


What secondary worklist do Merlin inductive monitors show up on when a transmission is missed?

PaceMate LIVE Missed F/U


Provide the difference between the last medical message and last technical message under the transmitter tab.

Last medical message – this is the last time the monitor connected to the patient’s device 

Last technical message -- this is the last time the monitor connected to the network/ 


Give the written SharePoint explanation of the LINQ symptom activator. 

The Reveal Patient Assistant is a hand-held, battery-operated device about the size of a deck of cards. When placed over the Reveal LINQ device and the button pressed, it triggers the device to store the previous 7.5-15 minutes of your heart rhythm and mark the place on the heart record when patients are fainting, or other symptoms occurred. If successful, a green light illuminates to confirm.  

A patient with 6290 monitor has 1 yellow sending wave on the right side of the center heart. What does this indicate?

The monitor cannot find a tower or open line


Provide the most EFFICIENT steps to accomplish Merlin scheduling. 

  • Type “none” in the search bar and assign appropriate schedules by device type 
  • Sort by “Next Transmission” date to make sure there are no patients with a next transmission date >3 months out, unless otherwise documented 
  • Leave a note in the Merlin note field if patients have HF devices with no HF diagnosis or need to be scheduled on a different frequency (ex: No HF dx, schedule q91 days. Or Per clinic, schedule q6 months) 
  • Sort by “Implant Date” to make sure that new implants have an appropriate first scheduled date and scheduling frequency according to device type 

True or False: Biotronik devices can connect with a patient during the day

False: Biotronik transmissions (when automated/scheduled) are device driven; meaning that transmissions are initiated by the device looking to make contact with the monitor at specific times. Biotronik bedside monitors must be kept next to the patient's sleeping area because the device will only make contact with the monitor overnight. 
