What does veneration mean?
to honor or respect
He who does not take his _____ and follow after Me is not worth of Me.
What is the Holy Trinity?
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
We teach children the sign of the cross to remember that Jesus was ______ (nailed to the cross)
Making the sign of the cross keeps the ____ away
Devil / Satan
Do Protestants cross food before they eat?
If anyone desires to come after ____, let him deny himself.
Vertical direction
Up to down
We remember his death, which is for our ______
Another word for a snake
Is a cross meant to be worn inside or outside the clothing?
Inside - as close to your skin as possible
Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the ___
Horizontal direction
Left to right
Christ died to save us from our ____
Sins or trespasses
The Cross is used in all holy _____ in Christianity such as baptism, communion, weddings, etc
When we make the sign of the cross, or get small cross tattoos on our wrist, or wear a cross necklace, we are doing what?
Proclaiming our believe in God openly
and come, take up the cross, and ____ Me
Meaning of the vertical direction
God descended from heaven to Earth
The cross also represents a _____ of love
Good Friday is on what day
April 14
Every time we make the sign of the cross, what do we say either out loud or silently?
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My ____
Meaning of Horizontal direction
Making the sign of the cross gives us P____
We are reminded of God's Second _____