Venture Cafe Phoenix has had ________ number of Thursday Gatherings!
This individual has been teaching a variety of business workshops weekly
Alex McElfish
A four letter acronym of a key Venture Cafe Sponsor that would also be handy in Medieval Times...
Blue Cross Blue Shield
This is not a place to sell your ________!
Dear Diary, I started a poem in my sleep last night. Help me finish it. Every _____ Five to ______ Two Free _______!
Thursday, Seven, Drinks!
This many connections have been made at VCPHX since it started 133 weeks ago...
49,950 (on average 3 connections per visit)
This person is the Walmart version of Forbes
Rashad Armstrong
This founding level sponsor is a community pillar, known familiarly by its acronym
Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA)
H.C.I.H.Y is an acronym of our #1 question to ask at Venture Cafe
Dear Diary, my hands down favorite VCPHX employee of all time is ________.
Sarah Waschler.
This many people have attended Venture Cafe since we started...
Our regular bartender serving you two free drinks every week
This founding level sponsor's motto is: "The Valley of the Sun..."
Venture Cafe is unique because every week has a different...?
Dear Diary, Now that we have Sarah, why do I keep ________?
Alex Koupal
Since it started, we have had this many sessions at Venture Cafe...
This person leads our ambassadors and welcomes new people to our community
Noreen Scheu
ASU is a proud sponsor, (even though Sparky hasn't visited yet!) what does E & I stand for?
Edson Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute
What you're supposed to do whenever you see a 1 on a name tag?
Include them / strike up a conversation
Dear Diary, I am going to strangle _______ for making this game up.
This is the total amount of prize money that has been given away at Pitch Competitions and Hackathons since we started
Over $85,000
This is the server/manager that always takes care of us at Il Bosco
You can get 15% off an ice cream treat after every Venture Cafe at...
Novel Ice Cream
You do this to become a speaker at Venture Cafe
Send several emails to Tom Kelly...
Just kidding, sign up for the mailing list, fill out the Request for Proposal (RFP), attend Venture Cafe, and be patient
Dear Diary, Venture Cafe is very expensive. All of my hair has fallen out. All of my problems would be solved if a sponsor came in at ________.