Giant Slayer
Destroyed by Jealousy
Witch of Endor
David Repents

Did Saul fight Goliath? How did Saul and his army respond to the challenge?

They were gripped with fear and lost all hope.


Did David try to make Saul jealous?

No. He continued to serve Saul faithfully until Saul sent his men to his home to capture and kill him.


Fill in the blank:

Friendship is loving others as you love                 .  



Who did Saul ask the witch to bring up?

Saul asked the witch to bring up Samuel’s spirit.


What was the name of the woman David wanted to have as his wife?



What did David use to win over Goliath?

He came against Goliath in the name of God and using a sling and a stone, Goliath was killed.


Who in the Bible story was jealous? Why?

Saul. He was jealous of David because the people praised and loved David more than him. Saul was also afraid David would take his kingdom away from him.


In the beginning, did Jonathan know that his father, Saul, wanted to kill David? 

No. He thought it was not possible because if Saul wanted to kill David, Jonathan would have known about it.


What was Saul’s reaction when he saw the Philistine army and what did he do?

He was afraid and terror filled his heart. He inquired of the Lord through Urim and prophets but God did not answer him.


Besides praying, how else does David express his feeling and talk to God personally?

Through writing the Psalms.


What were some of the things that made Goliath so scary?

He was ten feet tall, and he had heavy bronze armor and weapons. His spear was huge.


Did Saul’s jealousy get worse, or did it stay the same? How can you tell?

Yes, it got worse. He did not confess his son to God and repent of his action against David. Instead, he kept plotting and did many things to get David killed.


How did David and Jonathan show their love for each other before David ran away?

They were both very sad and cried together. David also bowed down 3 times to Jonathan.


What did Samuel’s spirit tell Saul about his future?

The Philistine army would conquer the Israelite army and Saul and his sons would be killed.


What was Bathsheba’s husband's name and what did David do to cover up his sin of being with Bathsheba?

Uriah. David had Uriah killed in battle.


What experience did David have in fighting?

He had defended his sheep from lions and bears.


Fill in the blanks:

Galatians 5:26, “We can’t allow ourselves to act              and to provoke or envy each other.”



What plan did Jonathan and David make to let David know if Saul was trying to kill him?

David would hide in a big field instead of going to the feast with Jonathan and Saul. Jonathan was to give excuse on behalf of David’s absence. They will know Saul’s intention from his response of David not attending the feast.


Is Saul’s action of seeking a witch for answer wrong? What could he have done instead?

Yes, it is against God’s law for anyone to have anything to do with mediums, witchcraft, astrologers, and sorcery. Saul was not right with God before this and had done may things that is against what God wants. He should have come before God in humble repentance for his sins and get right with God.


What story did Nathan tell David and how did David react?

Nathan told a story about two men. One man was very rich and the other man was very poor. In the story, the rich man stole the one and only lamb the poor man has. David got very angry and said the man deserved death.


Why was David so brave?

David wanted to stand up against Goliath because Goliath was taunting God’s name. He trusted God to protect him in this battle just as how God has protected him from lions and bears.


How did David deal with Saul’s jealous behaviour?

Whatever Saul asked David to do, David did it faithfully and with great success because the Lord is with him.


True friendship means loving others as you love yourself. How does God show he wants to truly be our friend?

God loves us so much that he died for us. Jesus died on the cross for our sin, and he is alive to be our friend right now.


What are the things that some people do today that they think is fun but links to witchcraft and fortune telling?

Reading up on zodiac and horoscope, playing the Ouija board to contact with spirits, going for palm reading and fortune teller, playing with tarot cards.


When David finally had his sin uncovered, what was his response?

David said he has sinned against the Lord. In Psalm 51, David confessed his sin to the Lord and asked for forgiveness and cleansing. He repented before the Lord for his sin.
