Silver Award
Ranger Award
Who's Who in Venturing
General Questions
May a Venturer earn all five Bronze awards?
Yes - Venturers may earn their specialty Bronze Award or all five Bronze Awards.
How many of the 18 electives must a Venturer complete to earn the Ranger Award?
In addition to the eight core requirements, a Venturer must complete at least four of the 18 electives.
Name the three ranks a Sea Scout must earn before Quartermaster?
Apprentice, Ordinary, and Able
True or False: Venturers may work toward the Ranger and Silver awards at the same time.
True or False: A venture can be elected to the Order of the Arrow?
False. He must be elected as a member of his troop.
How does the Introduction to Leadership Skills Course (ILSC) relate to the Silver Award?
Completion of the Venturing Leadership Skills Course is a requirement to achieve the Silver Award.
How does the Outdoor Bronze Award relate to the Ranger Award?
The Outdoor Bronze Award is half of the requirements for the Ranger Award: four core requirements and two electives.
Explain how Sea Scout advancement is related to the Bronze Award.
The Sea Scout Bronze Award is half of the Quartermaster Award.
Must a Boy Scouts of America advancement report be completed to receive Venturing awards?
Can a venture holding the rank of 2nd class earn his eagle scour award while a member of a crew?
No, He must be at least FIRST CLASS
Must a crew review be conducted for all Venturing awards?
No - Only the Gold and Silver awards require a crew review.
Who may sign off on requirements and electives on the score sheets in the Ranger Guidebook?
Once you have completed a requirement, have your Advisor or the consultant who worked with you on your requirements initial and date your Ranger Guidebook
What percentage of a ship's meetings must a Sea Scout attend to achieve Sea Scout ranks?
A Sea Scout must attend 75 percent of the ship's meetings for the Ordinary, Able, and Quartermaster ranks.
May a male Venturer pursue the Boy Scout Eagle rank?
Yes. Any male Venturer who has achieved the First Class rank as a Boy Scout in a troop or as a Varsity Scout in a team may continue to work toward the Star, Life, and Eagle awards while a Venturer up to his 18th birthday.
True of False, The Crew Committee and Crew Advisor nominates the Advisor for the Venturing Advisor of Merit?
FALSE, The Crew President and Officers (youth members) nominate the Crew Advisor for the Award of Merit.
Which award requires participation in two Ethical Controversies?
The Silver Award requires participation in two Ethical Controversies.
Explain what kind of project a venturer must complete for the Ranger Award?
A venture must complete a Conservation Project for his Ranger Award
Describe the relationship between the Quartermaster service project and the Eagle service project.
You must use the Eagle Scout service project workbook in meeting this requirement.
Name the Venturing leadership positions a male Venturer may apply toward Eagle.
Leadership requirements may be met by the Venturer serving as President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer in his crew, or as a boatswain, boatswain's mate, yeoman, purser, or storekeeper in his ship.
True of False There are Five Bronze Awards in Venturing
True . Religious Life, Arts & Hobbies, Outdoor, Sports, & Sea scouts
Can adult Venturers who earned the Silver Award as a youth wear it as an Adult?
Yes. The medal can be worn by adults who have earned the award as a youth. There is a square knot that can be worn for less formal occasions.
What award replaced the original Ranger award in the Exploring Program in 1949?
The Explorer Silver Award.
What is the equivalent to the "Storekeeper".
Can female Venturers wear the Girl Scout Silver or Girl Scout Gold award on their Venturing Uniform?
Yes. They fall under the category of "awards from other organizations". Therefore, they can be worn where appropriate on the Venturing uniform. Preferably, on or above the left pocket.
True or False: A crew can decide amongst themselves for what their official uniform will be and do not have to wear the full green uniform shirt & gray BSA pants.
True. Each crew should set their own standards when they are first forming as to what they want as their uniform.