This is the subject verb construction that means "I have."
Ich habe
This is the subject verb construction that means "I am."
This is the subject verb construction that means "You play."(singular)
Du spielst
This is the subject verb construction that means "I do."
Ich mache
This is the subject verb construction that means "I draw."
Ich zeichne
This is the subject verb construction that means "We have."
Wir haben
This is the subject verb construction that means "You are." (singular)
Du bist
This is the subject verb construction that means "We play."
Wir spielen
This is the subject verb construction that means "We do."
Wir machen
This is the subject verb construction that means "He draws."
Er zeichnet
This is the subject verb construction that means "They have."
Sie haben
This is the subject verb construction that means "He is."
Er ist
This is the subject verb construction that means "I play."
Ich spiele
This is the subject verb construction that means "They do."
Sie machen
This is the subject verb construction that means "You draw." (singular)
Du zeichnest
This is the subject verb construction that means "You have." (singular)
Du hast
This is the subject verb construction that means "We are."
Wir sind
This is the subject verb construction that means "They play."
Sie spielen
This is the subject verb construction that means "He does..."
Er macht
This is the subject verb construction that means "We draw."
Wir zeichnen
This is the subject verb construction that means "You have." (plural)
Ihr habt
This is the subject verb construction that means "You are." (plural)
Ihr seid
This is the subject verb construction that means "You play." (plural)
Ihr spielt
This is the subject verb construction that means "She does..."
Sie macht
This is the subject verb construction that means "You draw." (plural)
Ihr zeichnet