Noun Functions

Identify the verbal phrase. 

"The coat hung on the hook behind the door is Victoria's."

"Hung on the hook behind the door" is a participial phrase modifying the subject coat.


How does the infinitive function in the following sentence?

"He wanted to escape."

"To escape" is a nominal infinitive that functions as the direct object.


Identify the gerund and how it functions in the following sentence: 

"Sailing is his favorite activity"

The gerund is "Sailing" and it functions as the subject.


Identify present participle in the following sentence: 

"The intense ringing noise was coming from the phone plugged into the wall over there."

The present participle "ringing" is modifying noise.


How is the Gerund functioning in this sentence?

One of Ana's favorite hobbies is swimming.

"Swimmingis acting as the predicate nominative.


Identify the verbal phrase. 

"You can reach the island only by crossing the river."

"crossing the river" is a gerund phrase used as the object of the preposition.


Identify the infinitive and how it functions in the sentence below.

"He saw an opportunity to escape."

The infinitive "to escape" is functioning as an ADJECTIVE telling us which/what kind of opportunity.


Identify the Gerund phrase and how it functions in the sentence below.

My dog Alaska loves running across the backyard.

Gerund Phrase: "Running across the backyard

Functions as the DIRECT OBJECT


Identify the participle in the sentence below.

"The cracked windows have been fixed."

"Cracked" is an irregular past tense participle.


Identify the Gerund phrase and how it is functioning in the sentence below:

"Reading the Dune series by Frank Herbert can be a big time commitment. 

"Reading the Dune series by Frank Herbert" is acting as the subject.


Identify the verbal phrase. 

"The runner crossing the finish line first will be given a gold medal"

"crossing the finish line first" is a participial phrase modifying the subject runner.


Identify the infinitive and how it functions in the sentence.

"He cleaned the showers to escape."

The infinitive "to escape" is functioning as an ADVERB telling us why he cleaned the showers.


Identify the gerund and how it functions in the sentence below.

Her passion for dancing led her to joining a local dance class.

"Dancing" is a gerund functioning as the OBJECT OF THE PREPOSITION.


Identify the participle in the sentence below.

"The trotting horses ran past the crowd."

"Trotting" is the participle modifying the subject "horses".


Identify the verbal and tell me how it functions. (BE SPECIFIC)

"Building a career as a poet was one of Adam’s biggest goals."

"Building a career as a poet" is a gerund phrase functioning as a noun, more specifically it is the SUBJECT of the sentence.


Identify the verbal phrase. 

"Sometimes you need a dictionary to look for the meaning of a word."

"to look for the meaning of a word" is an adverbial infinitive phrase modifying the verb need.


Identify the infinitive and how it functions in the sentence below.

"To prevent theft, I will lock the door."

"to prevent theft" is an adverbial infinitive


Identify the gerund and how it functions in the sentence below.

The professor encouraged his students to participate in conducting scientific experiments. 

"Conducting scientific experiments" is the gerund phrase is the function as the OBJECT OF THE PREPOSITION.


Identify the participial phrase in the sentence below.

"The windows cracked by vandals have been fixed."

The participle phrase is "cracked by vandals" modifying tell us which windows.


Identify the verbal and tell me how it functions. (BE SPECIFIC)

"Everyone wants to go to the park on Sunday."

"to go to the park on Sunday" is a noun infinitive phrase used as the DIRECT OBJECT.


Identify the Participle and Participial Phrase in the sentence below. 

"Students planning to study  nursing must first meet with the dean."

Participle: "Planning"

Participial Phrase: "planning to study nursing"


My greatest ambition, to climb Mount Everest, has directed my whole life.

The infinitive "to climb Mount Everest" functions as a Noun Appositive NOT an adjective. The adjective "greatest" specifies a singular ambition so we are renaming the greatest ambition.


Identify the gerund and how it functions in the sentence below.

"The documentary highlighted the importance of protecting endangered species."

"Protecting endangered species" is a gerund phrase functioning as the OBJECT OF THE PREPOSITION.


Identify the participial phrase in the sentence below. 

"Shouting at a witness, he was charged with contempt of court"

 "shouting at witness" is the participial phrase modifies the subject he.


Identify the verbal and tell me how it functions. (BE SPECIFIC)

"Exercising every day for at least thirty minutes keeps you healthy and active."

"Exercising every day for at least thirty minutes" is a gerund phrase used as the SUBJECT.
