Action, Being, Linking Verbs
Helping Verbs
Verb Phrases
Principal Parts
Irregular Verbs

Find the action verb in the sentence: 

"The boy climbed up the hill."   



A helping verb always has to come BEFORE a _____verb.



What is the verb phrase in this sentence?

"The cartoonist can draw funny characters."

A. can

B. can draw

C. draw

Verb phrase:  B. can draw


A verb has FOUR principal parts: 

1. present

2. present ________

3.  ________

4. past participle

1. present

2. present participle

3. past

4. past participle


Name four verbs that we discussed from 5.7 or 5.8 that are irregular.

begin, bring, do, know, choose, buy, break, teach


Is the italicized word a being verb or an action verb in the sentence?

"Yesterday, we were at the park."

being verb: were


Find the helping verb in the following sentence:

"Jesse will shoot the basketball."

And, what is the main verb?

HV: will

MV: shoot


What is the verb phrase in the following sentence?

"The newspaper will be delivered before 7:00am."

verb phrase: will be delivered


Look at these sentences:

Some artists paint outdoors. (present)

The artist is painting animals. (present participle)

What do participles usually have that normal present and past tense do not?  

Participles are usually formed with a helping verb before the past or present verb; 

the verb also adds -ing or -ed to the end.  


Which form of the verb correctly completes the sentence?

" Have you ever (choosed, chose, chosen) that flavor of ice cream?"

chosen.  The past participle form is needed with the helping verb have.


A being verb can be a linking verb.  Study the sentence: " The crackers are a snack."

What is the linking verb?  What does the linking verb link?

LV: are

It links the subject-crackers, to the subject complement-snack.


Which of these sentences does not have a helping verb?

A  My brother will finish his work today.

B  She helped out her grandma.

C I have joined the debate team. 

B She helped out her grandma.


Find the helping verb or verbs and the main verb in the following sentence:

"We will be celebrating Ryleigh's birthday today!" 

helping verbs: will be

main verb: celebrating


Tell whether the verb in italics is the PRESENT, PRESENT PARTICIPLE, PAST, or PAST PARTICIPLE:

"My dog had posed for a picture."

Past participle


What is the past tense of buy?

What is the past participle of buy? 

Past tense: bought

Past Participle: had bought, have bought


Give an example of an: action verb

Give an example of a: being verb (in a sentence)

Give an example of a: linking verb (in a sentence)

Answers will vary.


Give four examples of a helping verb.

Answers will vary.

(am, was, is, are, were, had, do, did, can, has, have, must, will, would, could, should..."


Add a helping verb to complete the verb phrase in the following sentence:

"You _______ be listening to the directions before beginning the assignment."

Then, identify the complete verb phrase you form.

Answers will vary.

[should, will, must, etc.] be listening.


Complete the sentence with the form of verb in parentheses: 

"Maggie ______ her favorite show on T.V." (watch- present participle"

is watching


Use the irregular verb begin in the past participle tense.

Sentence should include "had begun" or "have begun"


What parts of a sentence does a linking verb link? 

A linking verb joins the subject of a sentence to the subject complement. 

ex: The pretzels are a snack.


Tell whether the verb in italics in each sentence is a helping verb or a linking verb:

A.    We are throwing the football back and forth. 

B.   The last day of school is June 8th.

A. helping verb

B. linking verb 


Give an example of a sentence that includes a verb phrase.

Tell what words in the sentence make up the verb phrase. 

Answers will vary.

must have a helping verb and a main verb.


Choose a verb.  Use the verb in four sentences. In each sentence use a different principal part of the verb: present, present participle, past, and past participle. Tell which part is used the sentences.

Answers will vary.


Use all four principal parts for the following irregular verbs in sentences:

Present: do                    Present: know

do/does, is/am doing, done, had/have done

know(s), is/am knowing, knew, had/have known
