What is the past tense of "run"?
What is the present tense of "go"?
What is the future tense of "make"?
Will make
What is the past perfect tense of "see"?
Had seen
What is the present perfect tense of "do"?
Has/Have done
What is the future perfect tense of "buy"?
Will have bought
Fill in the blank: Yesterday, she _____ (walk) to school.
Fill in the blank: Every day, he _____ (read) a book.
Fill in the blank: Tomorrow, they _____ (visit) the museum.
Will visit
Fill in the blank: By the time we arrived, she _____ (finish) her homework.
Had finished
Fill in the blank: She _____ (be) to Paris twice.
Has been
Fill in the blank: By next year, we _____ (move) to a new house.
Will have moved
Convert this sentence to the past tense: "He eats an apple."
He ate an apple.
Convert this sentence to the present tense: "They played soccer."
They play soccer.
Convert this sentence to the future tense: "She writes a letter."
She will write a letter.
Convert this sentence to the past perfect tense: "They arrived late."
They had arrived late.
Convert this sentence to the present perfect tense: "They had a dog."
They have had a dog.
Convert this sentence to the future perfect tense: "She will finish the project."
She will have finished the project.
Change the verb to past tense: "They watch TV every night."
They watched TV every night.
Change the verb to present tense: "She went to the market."
She goes to the market.
Change the verb to future tense: "We eat lunch at noon."
We will eat lunch at noon.
Change the verb to past perfect tense: "He completed the project."
He had completed the project.
Change the verb to present perfect tense: "I read this book before."
I have read this book before.
Change the verb to future perfect tense: "They finished their meal."
They will have finished their meal.
Form a sentence using the past tense of "write."
She wrote a letter.
Form a sentence using the present tense of "run."
He runs every morning.
Form a sentence using the future tense of "jump."
They will jump over the fence.
Form a sentence using the past perfect tense of "eat."
She had eaten dinner before the movie started.
Form a sentence using the present perfect tense of "take."
She has taken the test.
Form a sentence using the future perfect tense of "graduate."
He will have graduated by June.