A verbal is...
a word derived from a verb but performing some other function—behaving like a noun, an adjective, or an adverb (Bacon, 2013).
What is the use of the verbal phrase?
Learning a new language takes time and dedication.
What do verbal phrases with -ing describe?
an action, often one occurring simultaneously with the action described by the attached clause (Bacon, 2013).
"Conquering fear is the beginning of wisdom."
— Bertrand Russell
What is the use of the verbal phrase?
A present participle is...
the form of a verb that ends in -ing
What is the use of the verbal phrase?
Growing demand shapes policies.
One-word adjective
What do verbal phrases with -ed function as?
Ex: And that is why the Swordfish nightclub is now Samson’s Family Restaurant, run by a very nice Filipino family (Bacon, 2013).
"Standing on the shoulders of giants, we can see further than ever before."
— Isaac Newton
What is the function of the verbal phrase?
An action happening simultaneously
A past participle is...
the form of a verb typically used in past tenses by adding -ed and used in forming perfect and passive tenses
What is the use of the verbal phrase?
She enjoys reading historical novels.
Object of a verb
What do verbal phrases with to describe?
A purpose
Ex: I searched the audience for Miss Twigg’s face, just to see her expression when I read the speech!(Bacon, 2013)
"Having nothing, nothing can he lose."
— William Shakespeare
What is the verbal phrase here and what does it describe?
Having nothing, nothing can he lose.
An action happening at the same time