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Grammar in action
Phrase Hunters
Function Junction
Verb Transformers

The sentence below contains excessive nominalization. Rewrite it in a more direct and active way by changing the noun forms into verbs:

"The implementation of the new policy resulted in increased efficiency."

The company implemented the new policy, increasing efficiency.


The sentence below contains a mistake(s). Find the mistake(s) and rewrite the sentence correctly:

"She enjoys to swim in the ocean."

She enjoys swimming in the ocean.

Explanation: After certain verbs like enjoy, we use -ing (swimming) instead of to + verb (to swim).


Find the verbal phrase in each sentence:

"Terrified by the sudden noise, the cat jumped off the couch."

Terrified by the sudden noise


Specify the type of verbal phrases:

"Running every morning helps me stay healthy."

Answer: Verb + -ing (gerund phrase) 

  • Because it functions as a noun (the subject of the sentence).
  • "Running every morning" is the subject of the sentence.

Rewrite each sentence by changing the type of the verbal phrase while keeping the meaning as close as possible. 

"To finish the marathon requires a lot of training."

Finishing the marathon requires a lot of training.


The following passage has issues with cohesion and coherence. Rewrite the passage to improve clarity, logical order, and smooth transitions:

"People love reading books. Some people like fiction. Other people prefer non-fiction. Books can be expensive. Libraries help people access books for free."

People love reading books, whether fiction or non-fiction. However, books can be expensive. Fortunately, libraries provide free access to books, allowing more people to enjoy reading.


The sentence below contains a mistake(s). Find the mistake(s) and rewrite the sentence correctly:

"Climbing the mountain, the view was breathtaking."

The view was breathtaking as we climbed the mountain.

Explanation: The original sentence makes it sound like the view was climbing! The correction clarifies the meaning.


Find the verbal phrase in each sentence:

To pass the exam, he studied whole night.

To pass the exam


Specify the type of verbal phrases:

"She agreed to help her friend with the project."

Answer: To + verb (infinitive phrase)

  • "To help" is in the "to + base verb" form.
  • Here, the phrase functions as the direct object of "agreed."

Rewrite each sentence by changing the type of the verbal phrase while keeping the meaning as close as possible.

"He is interested to learn about psychology."

He is interested in learning about psychology.


The sentence below has issues with coordination  or parallel structure. Rewrite the sentence to improve clarity and consistency:

"The students were asked to write an essay, completing a worksheet, and to give a presentation."

The students were asked to write an essay, complete a worksheet, and give a presentation.


The sentence below contains a mistake(s). Find the mistake(s) and rewrite the sentence correctly:

"She avoided to speak about the accident."

She avoided speaking about the accident.

Explanation: The verb avoid is always followed by an -ing verb (speaking), not to + verb (to speak).


Find the verbal phrase in each sentence and identify its function:

"Challenged by the difficulties, she refused to give up."

Challenged by the difficulties


Specify the type of verbal phrases:

"To understand physics well, you need to practice a lot.

Answer: To + verb (infinitive phrase)

Explanation: To understand physics well explains why you need to practice (adverbial use)."


Rewrite each sentence by changing the type of the verbal phrase while keeping the meaning as close as possible. 

"Having completed the assignment, a break was taken."

Having completed the assignment, she took a break.

Explanation: The participial phrase Having completed the assignment must describe a subject (person), so she needs to be added.
