On his next vacation, Hank plans to swim with dolphins.
What is Yes
I _______ in the ocean (surf - past perfect)
What is had surfed
Who is Joe
Our dogs have bitten no one.
What is Present perfect.
The Bears and Cubs are Chicago-based sports teams
What is are - bonus
I had a breakfast burrito
I _______ at the Grocery Store (shop - future)
What is I will shop
The bear broke my screen door.
What is the Bear - Bonus
They had notified us of their arrival.
What is Past Perfect
Dinosaurs lived before humans.
What is lived - Bonus
I dreamt of riding a flying unicorn
We _______ as soon as the Captain returns (sail - future perfect)
What is will have sailed
While driving through a snowstorm, Peter, Paul and Mary sang American Pie.
Who are Peter, Paul and Mary.
John was baking a cake when the storm started.
What is past progressive
Madame Trelawney made a prophecy.
What is made - double bonus
On my trip to Cleveland, I visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
John and Mary _____ for 2 hours (Shop - future perfect progressive)
what is will have been shopping
With the Harlem Globetrotters help, Scooby Doo solved the mystery.
Who is Scooby doo.
Ella had been watching football all afternoon
past perfect progressive
Gerald Ford served as Vice President
What is served. - Bonus
I am the Walrus.
Yes - bonus
He ______ for the test (Study - past perfect progressive)
What is had been studying
The ball traveled 400 feet after being hit by Babe Ruth.
What is the Ball
They will have been sleeping for nine hours
What is future perfect progressive
Two U.S. governors star in this movie.
What is star - DOUBLE BONUS