How many major verb tenses are there?
There are 12 major verb tenses. (Present, Past, Future, Present perfect, Past perfect, Future perfect)
I protest is an example of what verb tense?
Present tense
How many principle parts are there?
There are 4 principle parts.
What is a regular verb?
Verbs that can be conjugated regularly. (In the four principle parts)
I think of them is an example of what Principle Part?
What is a participle?
A word formed by a verb used as an adjective or a noun. (E.g. burned toast, working women, good breading)
We protested is an example of what verb tense?
Past tense
What is an Infinitive verb?
The base form of a verb which is preceded by to. (E.g. to go, to be, to try)
What is an irregular verb?
A verb has a unique conjugated pattern. (Catch, caught, caught)
I've done my homework is an example of what Principle Part.
Past Participle
What is a verb?
A verb is a word that shows action, being, or links a subject to its subject complement. (It tells what a noun or pronoun does/is.)
He will protest is an example of what verb tense?
Future tense
What is a Past form a verb?
A verb that happened in the past which is mostly followed by -ed. (E.g. walked, talked, played)
What are helping/auxiliary verbs?
Verbs used along with the main verb to show that verbs tense. (E.g. They are playing)
Sink, sunk, sank is an example of what kind of verb.
An irregular verb.
"To be" verbs are both what type of verbs?
Linking and helping verbs. (Is, are, was, being)
They had protested is an example of what verb tense?
Past Perfect tense
What is a Present Participle verb?
The form of a verb ending in -ing. (E.g. An exciting ending, the present participle can be using as adjectives and can form the continuous verb tenses)
What is a linking verb?
Verbs that connect the subject to an adjective, noun, or pronoun. (E.g. Max is nice)
You will have protested is an example of what tense?
Future Perfect.
What is a compound verb?
You will have protested is an example of what verb tense?
Future Perfect tense (Singular or plural)
What is a Past Participle verb?
A form of a verb that is sometimes in the past formed but not always and is usually a compound verb. (E.g. done, gone, thought)
What is an action verb and what are transitive and intransitive action verbs?
Action verbs describe the action the subject of a sentence is taking. Transitive action verbs are verbs that act on a direct object. Intransitive action verbs do not act on a direct object but are still full sentences.
Balls flew is an example of what kind of action verb.