What is a verb?
A word that expresses action or a state of being
What is a verb phrase?
Simple predicates, or verbs, have more than one word
What is an adverb?
Word used to modify
What do adverbs may modify?
What is an adjective?
Word used to modify a noun or pronoun
What is a transitive verb?
A verb that expresses an action directed toward a person or a thing named in the sentence
What is the verb phrase?
Would Alfred like some help?
Would like
What question do adverbs answer?
How? When? Where? To what extent?
Also adverbs may modify what ?
Other adverbs
What questions do adjective answer?
What kind? Which one? How much? How many?
What is an intransitive verb?
Verb that expresses action or a state of being with out referring to an object
What dose a verb phrase consists of?
Helping verbs
What do adverbs modify?
It modify adverb or adjective
It was breathtakingly beautiful sunset.
The adverb breathtakingly modifies the adjective beautiful
What are the most frequently used adjectives?
A, an, and the
transitive or intransitive
Carrie waved her arm.
What word is NOT in a phrase?
Not and could not go
What is the adverb?
The dog was barking outside.
It modifies adverb or adjective
She explained quite carefully.
The adverb quite modifies the adverb carefully, telling how carefully
A and an are what?
Indefinite articles
Transitive or intransitive
That rude remark irritated her.
What is a verb phase also called?
Auxiliary verbs
what is the adverb and what modifies?
The police searched everywhere for Heta’s bracelet.
Searched everywhere
How may adverbs end?
The is what?
Definite article