Old Testament
Regnbuen er et symbol på at Gud ikke vil oversvømme jorden igen: Sandt/Falsk
The rainbow is a symbol that God would never flood the world again: True/False
1. mosebog 9:11-13: "Jeg vil aldrig mere sende en oversvømmelse som udsletter alt liv på jorden, Og jeg vil give jer et synligt på denne evige pagt... Jeg har sat min regnbue i skyerne..."
1. Genesis 9:11-13: "I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth. This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you... I have set my rainbow in the clouds..."
Paul nægtede at kende til Jesus 3 gange: Sandt/falsk
Paul denied Jesus 3 times: True/false
Falsk, det var Peter
False, it was Peter
Præseparret har 3 børn: Sandt/Falsk
The priest-couple have 3 children: True/False
Falsk, 2x point hvis i kan navnene på dem
False, 2x points if you can name them
Nikolai arbejder i ALDI: Sandt/Falsk
Nikolai works in ALDI: True/False
Den danske nationalsang er en lovsang: Sandt/Falsk
The Danish National Anthem is a worship song: True/False
Hvor mange bøger består det gamle testament af? (+-2)
How many books does the old testament consist of? (+-2)
Ifølge Jesus hvad er de 2 vigtigste bud?
According to Jesus, what are the 2 most important commandments?
Mattæus 22:36-40 "Du skal elske Gud af hele dit hjerte" og "Du skal elske din nabo, som du elsker dig selv
Matthew 22:36-40 "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart” and “love thy neighbour as thyself."
Hvor mange er med i Presence' ledergruppe?
How many are in Presence leadergroup?
Hanna, Mette, Mathilde, Helene, Michael og August
Hvor arbejder Valdemar?
Where does Valdemar Work?
Fortsæt sangen:
Continue the song:
“As Long as I’m breathing, I've got …
A reason to praise the Lord (oh my soul)
Nævn 3 ud af de 10 bud
State 3 out of the 10 commandments
Hvilken bog kommer dette populære vers fra: "For således elskede Gud verden, at han gav sin enbårne søn, for at enhver, som tror på ham, ikke skal fortabes, men have evigt liv."
Which book does the popular verse come from: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life"
Johannesevangeliet 3:16
John 3:16
Hvem skal prædike d. 28 April?
Who will be preaching the 28th of April?
Selveste August Høgh!
August Høgh himself!
Hvad hedder Valdemar til efternavn? Stav til det
What is Valdemars last name? Spell it
Hvordan må man prise Gud?
In Which ways are you allowed to worship God?
På alle mulige måder
In every possible way
Nævn 3 konger fra det gamle testamente
Name 3 Kings from the old testament
Saul, Ishbosheth, David, Solomon, Jeroboam I, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Jehoram/Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II, Zachariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah, Hoshea
Ved siden af Jesus hang 2 mænd, Hvad havde de gjort for at hænge der?
On either side of Jesus were 2 men hanging, what had they done to end up there?
De var røvere
They were thiefs
Hvor mange børn var der i Børne-, og minikirke til sammen i Søndags? (+-3)
How many children attended Child-, and Minichurch last Sunday? (+-3)
Hvilken Dato blev Nikolai døbt i denne kirke?
On which date was Nikolai Baptized in this church
Søndag d. 10 december 2023
Sunday the 10th of December 2023
Hvilken lovsang har flest streams på spotify?
Which worship song has the most streams on spotify?
You say - Lauren Daigles
528 million streams
What a beautiful name it is - Hillsong Worship
225 million streams
Moses havde myrdet, men hvor kom den dræbte fra?
Moses had murdered, but where did the victim come from?
Hvad er det sidste ord i Biblen?
What is the last word in the Bible?
Hvad er Kirkens adresse?
What is the address of the Church?
Vardevej 106, 7100 Vejle, Danmark
Valdemar og Nikolai bruger ofte begrebet “hvad sker der for flymad”, men hvilken kendt tegneserie kommer det fra?
Valdemar and Nikolai often use the saying "how about that airline food", but which popular cartoon does it originate from?
Hvilken fantastisk lovsang skrevet af kirkens helt eget superseje par Ida og Jonas Grube, er Valdemar og Nikolais yndlings sang af parret?
Which wonderful worship song by the church' very own supercool couple Ida og Jonas Grube is Valdemar and Nikolais clear favourite by the couple?