Why Verizon?
Help Resources
Family Base
VZW Cloud
Competetive Comparison
This is the percentage of the United States covered in Verizon 4G LTE.
What is 95%.
These are your resources for additional Verizon support.
What are COOS, your DM, Store Manager and Account Manager?
What is the cost of Family Base?
Only $5 for all lines on a Share Everything account!
These are the 3 main benefits of the VZW Cloud
What are: 1. Take all your content with you 2. Works with any operating system 3. Content is stored securely on the VZW Network
They have the only "pure" LTE 4G network.
Who is Verizon? They also cover 95% of the population with LTE coverage
Verizon Wireless offers this convenient data plan for global data use.
What is $25 for 100MB?
This important tool should be accessed every time when logging into a customer's account and it can be commonly referred to as the "Money Button" as it can help uncover sales opportunities.
What is Account Analysis?
You can locate Family Base users using Family Base.
No, location services is a different feature. Family locator which is $10 for the Share Everything account.
These are the different pricing options for VZ Cloud. This one option doesn't payout in Bonus Bucks.
What are: 1. 5 GB for Free (75527) 2. 25 GB for $2.99 (75529) 3. 75 GB for $5.99 (75530) 4. 125 GB for $9.99 (75531) What is the Free option
The differences between ATT and Verizon's share everything plan is.
What are flexibility and simplicity? ATT also offers share everything yet their tiers has 4-5gb gaps which cost $30 to $40 dollars more. Verizon offers 2gb tiers for only $10 per month increase
Verizon Wireless' ultrafast 4G LTE network offers these as their download and upload speeds
What is 5-12 MBps download and 2-5 MBps?
The following are three convenient options for customers to pay their bill and are great self serve options when it gets busy in the stores this holiday season.
What are : 1. www.verizonwireless.com/paymybill 2. #PMT 3. My Verizon
This feature locks the device.
On Demand Lock locks the entire device down in 30 minute increments. Communication with Trusted Contacts is prevented.
These are the three different ways that the VZW Cloud can be accessed.
What are: 1. VZW Cloud application on the device 2. Companion website: www.verizonwireless.com/cloud 3. Downloadable desktop client
They cap a usage when roaming?
Who is T Mobile? You only get 10-50MB of data roaming depending on the plan.
This consumer market research company just named Verizon Wireless the top carrier based on network reliability in all 6 regions; a first for any wireless network.
What is JD Powers?
This website provides customers with a quick and easy way to register and qualify for employee discounts.
This is the process to set up family base.
1- add feature code codes - Parent 1: 78459 - Parent 2: 78460 2- download parent and companion app in Google Play note- web based on iphone only http://familybase.vzw.com
These are the two catagories that are not saved on the cloud for the iOS system.
What are: 1. Text & Media Messages 2. Call Logs
They falsely claim to have the most reliable network.
Who is ATT? However for the last ten years Verizon has had the most reliable network. By investing more than 7 billion dollars a year to build and maintain its all LTE 4G network.
This recently launched campaign aims at making sure none of our customers leave Verizon Wireless and focuses on the Network Advantage and our Superior Customer Service.
What is Not On My Watch?
This handy tool can help plan out your next overseas trip and determine device compatibility
What is the Verizon Wireless Trip Planner? (verizonwireless.com/tripplanner)
These are the key features of Family Base. (Name 4 minimum)
With Family Base you can; Limit data use, limit text/pics/video use, limit voice use, limit VZW app purchases, set time restrictions and block contacts, create watch list and use on demand lock.
These are the steps to activate the Verizon Cloud.
What is add Verizon Cloud feature in eRoes (SFO Code: 75527, 75529, 75530, 75331, 75528) and download Verizon Cloud app to the customer's device?
They claim they have unlimited data.
Who is Sprint? This is in fact when only on their "owned" network. *In fact you can be terminated is usage exceeds 100mb or a majority of kb and voice usage is "off network" or "roaming".