Carnival Games
Grandstand Events
Fun Facts

This sweet treat is light and airy and sometimes referred to as candy floss. It's typically pink or blue. 

Cotton Candy. 


What is the name of the carnival game involving rubber ducks?

Pick A Duck. 


In what year was the Fairest of the Fair established in Vernon County. 



What is the event that involves a tractor?

Tractor Pull 


What does it cost for a season pass at the Vernon County Fair?

$30.00   This includes access to the grand stand events. 


This fair food consists of cheese being battered and deep fried. A greasy cheesy delicacy!

Cheese Curds


What is the name of the carnival game that involves throwing darts at balloons?

Balloon Darts


How many visited the Vernon County fair last year?

Over 25,000 people! 


How many weight classes are there in the horse pulling grand stand event?

Two. Medium and Heavy. 


What day of the week is the "free" community day?

Wednesday--this is when rides, carnival games, and food trucks are still being set up


This youth agriculture based organization usually sells an assortment of foods to raise funds for their organization. This year they are selling: Cheeseburger, brats, chili, hot dogs, and homemade pies. 

4H Club. 


What is the game involving throwing a ring around the neck of a bottle

bottle ring toss


1911, what 1,100 pound animal was cooked and served? 

An ox. This bbq meat served over 1000 sandwiches. 

What is the maximum number of horses used by an exhibitor in the Vernon County Draft Show?


We will have exhibitors who hitch up to 6 horses and work the team around the arena. It's quite a sight to see the incredible power and beauty of the animals and their drivers firsthand.


How many years has the Vernon County Fair been around?

167 years. It started in 1857. 


This community organization that takes pride in volunteerism and giving back to the community is named after an African animal. This club is also selling food to raise funds for their organization: pancakes, sausage, burger, hotdogs, bbq, and brownies. 

Viroqua Lions Club. 


The game that involves moles and plastic hammer. Moles continue to pop up down!



How many exhibitors (people who show), were hosted at the fair last year?

The first 4-H livestock show as initiated in 1921 by agricultural teacher Richard A. Power. Beginning with 3 calves at the first exhibit, the 4-H division has become a fair-within-a-fair with 5,522 exhibitors this past year.


What is the grand stand event called that involves cars bumping and smashing into each other in the arena?

Demolition Derby. There are 6 different weight classes ranging from compact cars to SUVs


Where was the Vernon County Fair first held? (Hint: it was in a parking lot)

The "grounds" were on a vacant lot, now the site of Felix's clothing store, adjacent to the court house. Here were shown 2 stallions, 3 bulls and 2 cows, while inside the courthouse were displays featuring 3 woven rugs, some patchwork quilts, and a few jars of home-churned butter and sorghum and maple syrup.


This year, Vernon County Fair is hosting a new event regarding pies. What is it?

Pie Auction. 


This game involves launching a ball up a ramp and into a set of rings to score points. 

Skee Ball 


What animal was sold for $20,000 at the Vernon County Fair? 

Karly Anderson the daughter of Rob and Kari Anderson, Westby, WI showed a Holstein dairy heifer at the fair that survived the flood in Timber Coulee. The heifer was found 1.5 miles downstream from her original pasture location. It was her father Rob's idea for Karly to "present" the animal at the close of the Dairy Ribbon Sale on Saturday night which generated $20,000 due to the generosity of businesses and individuals. As the bidding for the flood relief continued, the generosity of these businesses and individuals' stacked up to reach $20,000.


This is the grand stand event where various animals are shown and sold for their meat. 

Livestock sale. 


True or False. Vernon County Fair is the only DRY fair in Wisconsin. (no alcohol allowed)

False. Walworth and Rock County are also dry fairs. 
