The part of the carabiner that is opposite from the opening.
What is the spine?
The climber's toolbelt.
What is the harness?
Type of knot used to secure the rope to the climber.
What is a figure-8 knot?
You should never walk here in a climbing environment.
What is at the bottom or top of a climbing wall, cliff, etc?
The rope is already secured in place.
What is top-rope climbing?
This is the part that holds the harness or rope in position.
What is the basket?
It usually contains a wire core.
What is a climbing rope?
Used mostly for climbing outdoors, where rocks, dirt, etc. might fall down.
What is a climbing helmet?
The second knot that a climber should tie.
What is the safety knot?
Let's a climber practice alone in a climbing gym.
What is auto-belay?
The name and location of the part of the carabiner that holds the attachements.
What is the crotch, on the swing-side of the gate?
Made of hard rubber; smaller is usually better.
What are climbing shoes?
Part if the harness where the climber secures the rope.
What are the tie-in loops?
Part of the harness to which the Gri-Gri is attached.
What is the belay loop?
Climbing style done in a low-rise cave-like setting where safety is provided by thick mats instead of a rope.
What is bouldering?
What are the screw lock and spring-loaded (auto) lock?
Auto-locking belay device.
What is a Gri-Gri?
Dialogue between climber and belayer before beginning a climb.
What is "On Belay?" (climber) and "Belay On." (belayer)
This will lead to your immediate removal from climbing.
The rope has to be taken up by the climber.
(Double Jeopardy for the name of the belayer)
What is lead climbing?
(Who is the seconder?)
Aside from the gate, name two of the three remaining components of the open side of a carabiner.
(Double Jeopardy for naming all three)
What are the hinge, nose, and latch
Used to improve your grip.
What is chalk?
What a climber and belayer must do before having their pre-climb dialogue.
What is check that the other is properly secured to the rope?
The position of the climber when being lowered down off of the wall.
(Double jeopardy for what they say to tell the belayer they're ready to come down.)
What is feet against the wall, legs at a right-angle to the torso, and hands completely off of the wall?
(What is "take" or "tension")
Type of climb that can be done on one length of rope vs. is longer than one length of rope.
What is single-pitch vs. multi-pitch