Checklists/Deep Cleans
Assistant Expectations
Hospitalized Patients

What is the first thing that should be done in the morning?

laundry and walking dogs


What information is needed when getting a pets vitals?

Temperature, pulse, respiration, weight


At what age are you allowed to help with X-rays/Laser? How far away from the X-ray/laser treatment should you be if you're under the legal age/not in PPE?

18, 6 feet


How do you clean bowls and litter boxes?

Bowls with dish soap and sponge

Litter boxes with brush and dish soap

Litter tough stains with popsicle stick to scrub off


Do hospitalized patients get walked?



How do you clean X-ray?

If the machine is on, turn off, dust off table and wipe down with rescue wipe, NOT SPRAY BOTTLE. vacuum, wipe down lead gowns with rescue wipe and hang up, put radiation batches on radiation badge board. 


How do you clean a room after an appointment? Normal appointment, fleas and kennel cough.

wipe down counter with rescue, put any ear cones in blue solution, wash any laundry, wipe down chairs with odoban and alcohol, vacuum, clean sink with alcohol, straighten chairs, treat containers, etc. When flea decontaminating, spray flea spray, allow room to sit for 15-20 minutes, proceed with normal cleaning routine and mop floors, if slippery after mopping, mop with dish soap water.

When disinfecting for kennel cough, spray entire room with rescue, allow this to sit for 15-20 minutes, clean room as normal, mop. place any laundry in separate bag and label as kennel cough


What time do you arrive for kennel checks AM and PM?


6-7:30 AM 

4:30-6:00 PM Winter

5:30-7:30 PM Summer


How to make mop water?

Cold water, about 3 pumps of rescue, fabuloso/natures miracle/odoban can be used as a smell masking agent. Rescue only at night!


Who is responsible for hospitalized patients?



How do you properly make a Costco list for Arci?

Go into back and see what items we are running low on such as trash bags and check pump bottles for mop water. Go into bathroom and check items that we are running low on. For items used quickly and often such as stainless steel and pledge, put on list with 3 or so left. For gallon jugs such as odoban and natures miracle, we'd like to have two back ups available, if we have two but are running low on the mop water gallons, put on list. Check laundry detergent, place on list with 1 and a half bags left. Go to breakroom and check candy/chips, if empty put on list. check reception fridge, if running low on coke or other drinks put on list. Water and paper towels always go on list. check bathroom paper towels, swiffer dusters, sponges, magic erasers, etc. in bathrooom.


How do you effectively set up for a kennel cough appointment?

Place ISO box with PPE in it outside the door. Wet a towel with rescue and water mixture and place as a mat in front of door. Wash scale mat and mop front after patient has entered the room. 


Demonstrate how to hold a dog for a nail trim, jugular blood draw, and arm blood draw.



What information is put on a cage card?

Name, feeding information, belongings listed out, and pick up date, and meds if they have them. list if they need any services while boarding such as bath, exam, EAG, TNT, or vaccines. 


Where can you find information about a hospitalized patient?

The patient chart on cornerstone, the drop-off/surgery board, or the basket with printed patient chart


How many total trash cans are in the clinic?

23 small 1 large


1 - Demonstrate how to answer a phone to schedule an appointment

2 - Demonstrate how put a phone call on hold

family friends veterinary hospital this is (your name) how can I help you

Family friends veterinary hospital, is this an emergency or may I place you on a brief hold.


Walk through how to open a patient chart.

press patient clipboard, F2, enter patient last name or phone number, double click on name, press on specific patient. 


When a patient is boarding and injures themselves or becomes ill, what do you do?

Notify a technician and Dr. Rogers, put their name on the drop off/surgery board if Dr. Rogers would like to complete an exam on the patient


What is critical temperature for a hospitalized patient? (High and Low)

Anything below 97 F, Anything above 103.0


Step - by - step, how do you complete the kennel deep clean?

1. Remove everything from kennels 

2. Dust everywhere, tops of cages, walls, water heater, generator (under, on top, and sides. etc.

3. Remove fans/take apart fans to clean inside

4. vacuum entire kennel area, sink area, and back door area, on top of and underneath the water heater and generator. 

5. using rescue and natures miracle/kennel cleaner, clean the kennel walls with a sponge or brush, ensure you clean the corners of where the wall meets the floor. clean the regular walls under the tub and back wall first to avoid using contaminated cleaning solution, moveout cabinet unit to clean wall behind this. Rinse. 

6. Using rescue and natures miracle/kennel cleaner, scrub the kennel floors with a brush, ensure you get the corners where the walls meet the floor, the mop sink, under the water heater, generator, move out the cabinet unit and clean floor. Mop up remaining liquid.

7. Clean kennel doors with soft scrub or bar keepers friend, wipe down each bar individually. 

8. Clean kennel doors with rescue, wipe down each bar individually

9. Clean kennel doors with stainless steel, wipe each bar down individually

10. clean kennel tub and mop sink with brush and soft scrub

11. pledge kennel door and oxygen door

12. wipe down counter

13. put away any clean dishes and change dish towel

14. clean any dirty dishes

15 - reorganize cabinets and put everything in its place

16 - stainless steel sink in kennel area

17. clean kennel floor mats if needed

18. re-vaccuum and mop entire kennel


Walk through how to check if a patient is up to date on required boarding vaccines

Go to patient clipboard, F2, enter patient last name, select patient, press the reminders bell to check dates. 


Walk through what you do with a euthanized patient or deceased pet. 

handle patient with care. treat the patient how you want to be treated when you die! complete in the following order

1. clay paw print - shave excess hair off paws, trim nails if needed. spray off excess hair with condensed air can, clean paw in soapy water to get off any left over hair or dirt. dry paw. Prepare clay into shape desired and ensure the surface is smooth. place two holes on the top using a straw. For large dogs, one paw print, for smaller dogs or cats, front two paws, for exotics, four paws. ensure you press firmly and paw print looks good before moving on to next part. clean off any excess hair dirt or debris from clays surface using condensed air or alcohol and a q-tip. Put the patients name on the clay using the letters provided, ensure you don't press to hard to show the outline of the letter stamp. Place a single charm on the clay in any open space. carefully remove clay from template, fix edges if damaged during removal. bake for 15 minutes, do not adjust temperature. After baking, put a ribbon through the holes on the clay and tie bow. 

2. ink paw print. take a piece of cardstock from pile. for larger dogs 1 paw, smaller dogs and cats, two paws exotics four paws, for rats include a tail print, rabbits I like to include nose and whisker print on separate paper. take ink and roll onto stamper. Stamp patient paw into ink and ensure it is covered with ink but not overly saturated to avoid missing the actual prints on the paw. press paws onto page firmly without moving to avoid smearing. Remove paw and clean paws in soapy water once complete. repeat steps for tail and nose prints. write patient first and last name on back bottom of the card and the date. 

3. hair vial - get a hair sample using scissors or clippers. place in clear vial carefully and ensure it looks nice and neat and hair is facing the same direction and includes hair of all colors seen on animal. place cork on the vial to seal, place ring on cork and heart charm on ring. pull 1-2 colors of the thin ribbon and create a bow through the ring on the cork.

4. Once steps 1-3 are complete, put samples in bag and label bag and give to receptionists

5- bagging- bag the animal in a cadaver bag in fetal position. remove air from bag and tie or zip tie closed with cremation tag that is completed by tech or receptionist. 

6 -call Toothacres if they haven't been called yet and let them know we need a pick up 


What vaccines are required to board an animal (dog, cat, exotics) at our facility?

Dogs- Rabies, Bordatella, DA2PP

Cats - FVRCP, Rabies, Kitten leukemia, yearly boosters if outdoors only

Rabbits- RHD


When removing a hospitalized patient from cage, walk through the steps to start and stop fluids and IV requirements. 

Press run hold button on fluids. Press off button on fluids. Remove fluid line and put cap on the end to prevent contamination. On the patient T-port IV, slide the plastic piece over the line to pinch the line closed. take a vet wrap strip and cover the patients IV to prevent contamination while walking. 

After walking, put patient back in cage, remove vet wrap, un-pinch IV line on patient, un-cap fluid line and reattach fluid line to I, turn on machine and press run. 
