__ vs __
Guest Lectures

__ describes crimes that are not premeditated, high emotion, low thinking, high risk of detection vs. __ describes crimes that include careful planning behavior, low emotion, few clues left at the scene after the crime

What is disorganized vs organized?


The motives presented by the prosecution AND the defense in the Menendez brothers case

What is greed (prosecution) and fear of parents killing them/the sexual abuse (defense)?

The mental illness that Amy Tee was diagnosed with and was medicated for for 5 years

What is bipolar disorder?


Death that results from a verbal dispute vs. Death that results from a personal altercation between the offender and the victim

What is argument murder vs conflict murder?


A common reaction to a rape or assault studied by Burgess and Holmstrom in 1974; includes an acute phase of disorganization to a victim's lifestyle and a long-term phase of lifestyle reorganization

What is rape trauma syndrome?


The final drug administered to Michael Jackson that caused his death

What is an anesthetic drug that induces comas (propofol)?


A stigma endured by family and friends of someone with a mental illness

What is courtesy stigma?


__ victims are those who experience higher intrusive thoughts, anxiety, and anger; experience more severe assaults vs. __ victims are those who are targeted randomly, can theoretically control it (sorry if that's controversial) 

What are victims of hate crimes vs victims of non-hate crimes?


The evidence that Harvard had that Sinedu Tadesse was losing her mind and could have used to prevent the murder-suicide at one of their dorms in 1995

What is The Harvard Crimson newspaper segment Tadesse submitted?


The reason why the FBI was in Afghanistan during Jeff Wood's lecture

What is to support the ongoing war on terror by gathering real time intelligence?


The aspects of a sexual assault that make someone more likely to disclose that it happened to them

What is use of a weapon, another crime committed during assault, and/or injury to victim?


The reason why Adnan Syed's conviction was reinstated

What is the victim's brother wasn't present when Syed's conviction was overturned?


A psychological mechanism allowing someone to tolerate difficult and overwhelming emotions by seeing someone as either good or bad, idealized or devalued (no middle ground)

What is splitting?

(seen in evil scale categories 17-22)

The descriptions of the final category in the 22-level gradations of evil scale presented by Dr. Gary Brucato

What is psychopathic torture murderers, with torture as primary motive (the motive need not always be sexual)?


Styles of attack in sexual assault cases: __ occurs out of the blue, no interaction between victim and offender, no explanation for assailant's behavior vs. __ is more subtle, previous interaction between assailant and victim, assailant uses deceit, betrayal, and often violence

What is blitz vs confidence?


Styles in which the Mad Bomber wrote letters

What is in block capital letters, outdated language and expressions, and heavy uses of dashes?
