Etiquette required that a guest say for how long at an afternoon tea?
half an hour
Shades/colors to avoid
pale yellow, rose, purple, dark blue, dark green
______ was the reigning fragrance of the 1890s
When it came to clothing, women were encouraged to be comfortable. However, ____ were not allowed and considered a danger to the baby and immodest.
tight corsets
Marriage manuals of the day generally focus more on a gentleman’s _______ than on any ______ a young lady might feel for him.
______ was never acceptable at afternoon tea.
wine or alcohol
Gaslight friendly colors included...
shades of red, pale blue and pink, bright yellow and white
Violet was used to scent things like...
perfumes, toilet water, soaps, cold cream, sachets, and tooth powder
A woman should never ________.
A typical tea menu included...
hot tea, chocolate, light sandwiches, cake, or fancy biscuits
Many ladies preferred gaslight or daylight?
The scent was one of fashion and women also wore it to gain the attention of ______.
potential suitors
After delivery, rest was important. Women were advised to not _____ until three days after delivery and stay in bed until _____ days after delivery.
It was better to accept a marriage proposal even if unmatched than be a _____.
Ladies attending an informal tea were expected to remove their ______.
Fabrics adorned with _____ or ______ were another option for gaslight-friendly evening dresses and ballgowns
colored gilt or foil accents
Women could purchase violet scented flannel and sew it into their clothes for a price of _____ per yard.
Mothers were encouraged to take care of their own children. Although, servants could watch the baby while mother was _____.
Women were to _____ to their husbands and be their ________.
Some fashionable ladies attended as many as ____ teas in a single afternoon
Many ladies added these accessories for added sparkle
jeweled hair ornaments, sequined fans, or even diamond-studded flowers
As a governess, Sylvia can no longer afford violet perfume and must settle for violet-scented _____.
Motherhood experts recommended inspiring a baby’s _______ __________.
natural curiosity
Desirable qualities for the 19th century bride include...
Patience, acceptance, and self-sacrifice