I'm the queen of UK during this era
I am a book published in 1859
what is " the origin of the species"
I'm the continent where Darwin made the biggest discoveries
what is South America for Darwin
I found that only the species the most adapted will survive
what is natural selection by Darwin
I was a creasionist
Who is Cuvier
I'm an invention created in 1876 which had evolved nowadays
what is telephone
i'm the island where Darwin did researches
what is Galapagos Islands
I'm the line which is called after a famous scientist
what is the "Wallace line"
i believed that every species didn't change since the creation
what is Cuvier's theory
I'm Darwin's shadow
who is Wallace
I'm invented in 1851 and i'm sewing your clothes
what is the sewing machine
I'm the medal that Darwin received in 1853
what is the Royal Medal
what is a blue-footed booby
I thought that species changed because the fittest individuals survived and reproduced, passing their advantageous characteristics on to their offspring.
what is wallace's theory
I thought that species adapted themselves in every environment
Who is Lamarck
I'm party organise by queen victoria between lunch, at noon, and supper, at 8 pm
what is tea time
Who is Emma Darwin
I'm the city where the HSM Beagle sailed from
what is Plymouth
I believed that organisms altered their behavior in response to environmental change
what is Lamarck's theory
I'm the father of the evolution's theory
who is Darwin
I'm known for seeing the British Empire grow to become the first global industrial power, producing much of the world's coal, iron, steel and textiles
what victorian era is known for
I'm the city where Darwin was born
what is Shrewsbury
We are the British empire's colonies
what are Australia, India, South Africa, northern America
I'm known as "Darwin's Bulldog", i also had the same opinion as Darwin on the natural selection
who is Thomas Henry Huxley
i'm the father of biology and zoology
who is Aristotle