Oliver Twist - the film
Victorian food
Problems in VE society
Queen Victoria
Their stockings were usually made from wool or cotton, or bought secondhand, these people often wore durable but not very fancy clothes. They wore corsets and petticoats.
Who were the women in the Victorian lower class?

Why was Oliver Twist punished in the workhouse?

Because he asked for more food

This was a huge part of a Victorian higher class person, although alcoholic, it was drunk on almost a daily basis.
What is wine?
These things took poor women, men, and children and gave them work, food, and shelter. But these places gave you tasteless food, a uniform that identified you as a "poor" person, and often as a child you could get "hired out" ( Sold) to a mine. All in all, they were pretty bad.
What were workhouses?
To what age did Queen Victoria Live?
Victoria lived to 81 (1819-1901).
They wore leather shoes, trousers, cravats, and short coats. During the winter, they would often stuff their clogs with straw.
Who were the Victorian era lower class men?

How old is Oliver Twist when he is sent to the workhouse?

He is 9 years old

A lot of this was cooked by the Victorian higher class, that the lower class could only dream of on a daily basis. they were sprinkled with imported spices
What is various meats such as beef, goose, and ham.
This means that people reproduced at an EXTREME rate, so quickly, that soon England had too many people.
What is overpopulation?
Who was Victoria married to?
Did Victoria marry Prince Albert?
These people wore very, very, VERY skinny corsets, that were made with no consideration to the person's health. It was not uncommon to see one of these people pass out at a party, because the clothing was very tight. Putting on these clothes was extremely time-consuming and very wearing out.
Who were the Victorian Era upper class women?

Who is Fagin?

The leader of thieves Fagin is an old man in London who teaches young homeless boys how to become pickpockets and then fences their stolen goods

The poor ate this on a daily basis, because it was cheap and easy to make. they sometimes had the luxury of butter in which they could spread on it. However, it was often dried out.
What is dry bread?
Children working to support their family was a huge problem in the Victorian Era. They were also underpaid.
What is child labor?
How long did Victoria rule?
Did Victoria rule for 64 years?
These people wore waistcoats and very accentuated hats, such as the bowler, top, and derby hat. However, there was a lot of fashion freedom.
Who were the higher class Victorian Era men?

Oliver's first night at the workhouse there was a boy who couldn't sleep, why?

Because he was starving and he was afraid he could eat the boy next to him

Victorians ate a lot of these, but a sudden shortage was caused by a huge famine in Ireland that reduced the population of Ireland from 8.4 to 6.6 million people.
What are potatoes?
Lots of these were bouncing around the British empire at this time, and many people could get these by just DRINKING water. Many, Many, Many people died because of this.
What are Illnesses?
How many assassination attempts did she survive?
Did Victoria survive 8 assassination attempts?
Often these people would wear small dresses, but as they grew older, things changed. The Scottish Highlander look caught on, and also the Knickerbocker suit grew famous.
Who were Victorian higher class children?

What does Mr sower berry do for a living?

He makes coffins, he is an undertaker

The Victorians ate a lot of this common thing, that was made by taking milk and fermenting it.
What is cheese?
If you owed money to somebody, and you could not pay, you often went to one of these. These were cruel, and often made you pay to go there, even though you were forced to.
What were Debtor's prisons?
How many children did Victoria have?
Did Victoria have 9 (!) children?