1. Place your wager.
2. Identify three logical fallacies from the videos.
What is Hasty Generalization
What is Red Herring
What is Loaded/Complex Question
1. Identify the logical fallacy
We can either stop using cars or destroy the earth.
What is False Dichotomy
1. Identify the logical fallacy
Ted: Biological evolution is both a theory and a fact.
Edwin: That is ridiculous! How can you possibly be absolutely certain that we evolved from pond scum!
What is Straw Man
1. Identify the logical fallacy
Greg: So my little brother still doesn't understand that water isn't actually wet.
Mark: What? That's insane. What do you mean?
Greg: Well, we know that hydrogen isn't wet.
Mark: Yeah, ok.
Greg: And we also know that oxygen isn't wet.
Mark: I am following.
Greg: Therefore, H2O is not wet.
What is Fallacy of Composition
1. Identify the logical fallacy
Daryl: Answer honestly, do you think if we were born and raised in China, by Chinese parents, we would still have our liberties?
Ross: I think those of us raised in a place where liberty is part of the law-of-the-land are fortunate.
Daryl: I agree, but do you think if we were born and raised in China, by Chinese parents, we would still have our liberties?
Ross: As I said, we're so lucky to have our American freedoms.
What is Red Herring/Ignoring the issue
1. Identify the logical fallacy
2. Explain why it's a logical fallacy by referencing elements from the example.
Bill Clinton doesn't have any authority when discussing economic policy because he cheated on his wife.
What is Ad Hominem
1. Identify the logical fallacy
2. Explain why it's a logical fallacy by referencing elements from the example.
We should elect Richard as student body president because his father just passed away, and it would really help him get over his loss.
What is Appeal to Pity/Emotion.
1. Place your wager.
2. Identify three logical fallacies from the videos.
What is False Dichotomy
What is Equivocation
What is Begging The Question
1. Identify the logical fallacy
2. Explain why it's a logical fallacy by referencing elements from the example.
John: There's no way ghosts and demons actually exist. That's a bunch of malarkey and poppycock.
Mark: No way, man! The Paranormal is definitely real because I've experienced what can only be described as supernatural activity.
What is Begging the Question
1. Identify the logical fallacy
2. Explain why it's a logical fallacy by referencing elements from the example.
Maria: Don't you think that Andrea Dworkin is just flat-out wrong in her assertions?
John: Oh, I don't know. She had some valid points about the objectification of women in Hollywood and film.
Maria: Yeah, well, Dworkin's just bitter because she's only written one book, so why should we even listen to her?
What is Ad Hominem/Attack the man
1. Identify two logical fallacies.
If we ban Hummers because of they're carbon footprint, eventually the government will ban all cars. Then, they might even ban airplanes, trains, and any mode of transportation that relies on fossil fuels. As a result, we shouldn't ban Hummers.
The rights of the minority are every bit as sacred as the rights of the majority, for the majority's rights have no greater value than those of the minority.
What is Slippery Slope
What is Begging the Question
1. Identify two logical fallacies.
In an interview with Lebron James, sports commentator Quincy Jacobson asked him, "Lebron, in your opinion, how many school shootings should we tolerate before we change the gun laws?" With gleaning confidence in his voice, James said, "None, nada, zero, zilch. It's just not right, man, and we need to get rid of guns pronto." On a lighter note, Jacobson then asked Lebron what made the difference for his performance tonight when the Lakers were trailing by 10 points in the fourth. James responded, "You know, I just had to give it 110 percent. That's it! Oh yeah, and having that RX energy bar came in handy when I needed a 3-pointer. It really did the trick."
What is a Complex Question or Loaded Question
What is False Cause and Effect/Post Hoc
1. Identify two logical fallacies.
I really deserve an “A” on this paper, professor. Not only did I study during my grandmother’s funeral, but I also had to donate bone marrow this week for a family member.
I agree that philosophy helps you argue better, but should we really be encouraging people to argue when there's already so much hostility in this world?
What is Appeal to Pity/Emotion
What is Equivocation
1. Identify two logical fallacies.
Conversation 1:
Fred: Whoa, that was a pretty intense debate you were having with your cousin.
Stephen: Yeah, I know. She's pretty passionate about women's rights.
Fred: I think it comes down to just one simple fact: We should get rid of abortion laws because the well-respected Stephen Colbert publicly stated his opposition to it.
Conversation 2:
Mary: Hey Rebecca, we had a really interesting lecture in our American Lit class. What happened to you?
Rebecca: Oh, I had a doctor's appointment that couldn't be rescheduled.
Mary: Geez, Becca, don't you know that being an excellent student means attending all class sessions or you might as well be considered average.
What is False Authority
What is False Dichotomy
1. Place your wager.
2. Identify three logical fallacies from the videos.
What is Appeal to Authority
What is Post Hoc Ergo/False Cause
What is Appeal to Ignorance
1. Identify two logical fallacies.
2. Explain why they are logical fallacies by referencing elements from the example.
Theologians have got it all wrong. There's no proof that Jesus turned water into wine or did any so-called miracles. Believing in the literal resurrection of Jesus is like believing in the literal existence of zombies. Plus religion has only brought more complications than peace. When you look at the war in Afghanistan, you can only come to the conclusion that religion is the sole reason for the numerous wars in our modern civilization.
What is Weak Analogy
What is False Cause/Post Hoc
1. Identify two logical fallacies.
2. Explain why they are logical fallacies by referencing elements from the example.
When journalist Billy Sloan was interviewing his recent guest (Perry Gibson) on Daily News, he angrily asked, "Do you actually support this terrible politician to be our next governor of Nevada? In December of last year, he said Starbucks was ruining our country because they sold Christmas cups without traditional Christian symbols on them." Despite Sloan's constant harassment and outbursts, Gibson replied by stating, "Honestly, Nevada is in a horrible condition right now and Starbucks' actions just prove how the democratic argument for preferring Merry X-mas over Merry Christmas is just an anti-Christian movement."
What is complex question/loaded question
What is straw man
1. Identify two logical fallacies.
2. Explain why they are logical fallacies by referencing elements from the example.
A famous philosopher once said, "The laws imply lawgivers. There are laws in nature. Therefore there must be a cosmic lawgiver." The same philosopher also said, "Since every thinker has failed in trying to prove humans have free will, we're safe in assuming we are not free."
What is Equivocation
What is Appeal to Ignorance
1. Identify two logical fallacies.
2. Explain why they are logical fallacies by referencing elements from the example.
Conversation 1:
Barry: Timothy, with the recent increase in prices of goods, stagflation, and sky-rocketing unemployment, why don't you support free tuition for community college students?
Timothy: You know, Barry, affordable education is certainly an important matter right now, but there's just more pressing issues like global warming and gun control.
Conversation 2:
Cheryl: Geez, Margaret, I am so pooped from practicing for my 10K marathon that starts in only a month. Do you have any advice?
Margaret: Cheryl, all it takes to win is for one runner in a race to run a nanosecond faster. Who knows, it just might be you. Then again, if every runner in your marathon runs a nanosecond faster, they all win. So, I guess it depends.
What is Red Herring
What is Fallacy of Composition
1. Identify two logical fallacies.
2. Explain why they are logical fallacies by referencing elements from the example.
Catherine: We can't let Brenda out of her room because if we do she'll want to roam around the house. If we let her walk around the house, Brenda will eventually want to visit neighbor kids, and then she'll get picked up by a stranger who will sell her in another country.
Max: Well, honey, I guess the only solution is to lock Brenda in her room like all my friends are doing with their own 10-year olds.
What is Slippery Slope
What is Bandwagon
1. Identify three logical fallacies.
90% of drivers don't use their seat belt while cruising on the freeway. That's a large number! How can anyone think that we're not safer these days than in the past? Ultimately, because the majority of drivers don't buckle up, I don't see any reason why I should do anything differently. Statistic expert, Phillip Moore, claims that auto incidents are likely to happen due to distractions and texting while driving. After interviewing several Americans, Moore concluded that we ought to outlaw phone usage while driving especially because most Americans admit to texting while on the road. Even Taylor Swift says she doesn't use a seatbelt while driving, and she has a perfect record. Seat belts are simply outdated relics of the past that we should be allowed to ignore if we want to. The truth is that most drivers, nowadays, are just a lot safer. I am a driver; therefore, I should be fine.
What is Appeal to Popular Opinion/Bandwagon
What is Appeal to Authority
What is Hasty Generalization
1. Place your wager.
2. Identify three logical fallacies from the videos.
What is Red Herring
What is Straw Man
What is Appeal to Popular Opinion/Bandwagon
1. Identify three logical fallacies.
1. Identify two logical fallacies.
Conversation 1:
Paul: Hey Kevin! Aren't you glad we're finally leaving Wisconsin to go to UC Fullerton? Plus, I would argue that Wisconsin definitely won't win any awards for having the kindest residents with Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein, and Walter Ellis running loose, you know. California, on the other hand, not only has a reputation for it's sunny weather but for it's residents' sunny demeanor.
Kevin: Are you kidding me? Wisconsin has to be considered the best state out of all 50. For one thing, we have the most amazing variety of cheeses known to man. Secondly, the winters are beautiful with heavenly snow, which California doesn't even come close to. Moreover, who can argue against the fact that we don't have one of the most exciting football teams that's won 13 league championships and counting? Then there's the Great Lakes that are a spectacle if I ever saw one. Fifthly, we're home to the most iconic motorcycle brand known as Harley Davidson. Last but not least, Wisconsin has the most polite people on the planet.
Conversation 2:
Jake: Dude! Did you hear that Paul and Kevin are finally leaving Wisconsin to go to the west coast? I am so jelly they're going to see California's beaches and catch a Dodgers game.
Ted: I am not so sure, Jake. Paul just wants to be a California surfing blonde bimbo, but he's not kidding anyone. I mean, Wisconsin really is home for all of us.
Jake: Come on, Ted, Have you even been outside of Wisconsin? How would you know what you're missing out on in the sunny state?
Ted: Oh, trust me. Back in high school, I had a friend from Anaheim, California, so that's enough experience for me.
What is Stacking The Deck
What is Ad Hominem
What is Hasty Generalization.
1. Identify three logical fallacies.
Bob: Hey, Luis. What did you learn in physics 101 today?
Luis: Oh, you know, we talked about mass and other related topics. I learned that a single sheet of phonebook paper weighs only 1/4th of a gram.
Bob: Ah, I see. Since there's only 500 pages in the phonebook, that's a mere 125 grams, which translates to 1/4th of a pound. I guess it would be a cinch for me tear it in half then.
Luis: You're math is right, but I doubt you could.
Bob: Whatever! Now that it's the weekend, you can go with me to Meg's party and have fun. Alternatively, you can stay home and be bored.
Luis: Uh, yeah. I don't think I am going to do either of those things. In fact, I am studying for my math exam with Shelby.
Bob: Really? When did you stop being cool and start caring about school?
Luis: I suppose when I understood there's more to life than just partying and getting wasted.
What is Fallacy of Composition
What is False Dichotomy
What is Loaded/Complex Question.
1. Identify three logical fallacies.
Reporter: We've fallen into an incomprehensible dilemma with the war in Afghanistan resulting in the deaths of 1,000,000 innocent people including children.
Politician: Yes, you're certainly right that this recent war has resulted in a devastating tragedy for the people of Afghanistan. I am speechless.
Reporter: Well, when are you and other policy makers on the hill going to take responsibility by ending the war?
Politician: Look, in order to end the war, it must begin with neighboring countries providing aid for the people of Afghanistan like America has and therefore we must encourage them to do so. It's a complex matter and immediately ending the war is just not practical nor safe in the middle of violent attacks and bombings.
Reporter: Sure, other countries can provide foreign assistance, but peace is of the utmost importance and ending war creates peace.
Politician: I don't think you understand the nuances of this issue.
Reporter: It seems we'll have to agree to disagree. We've seen enough tear-filled mothers crying over their children who sacrificed their lives for this country. We've witnessed too many Afghanistan families torn apart by the horrors of war. We've observed so many Americans become penniless vagrants as a result of the recession brought on by the war. For these reasons, enough is enough.
What is Complex Question/Loaded Question
What is Missing the Point
What is Appeal to Pity/Emotion