What are the two last steps in the Diaper Changing Procedures?
Wash your hands and document the diaper change.
Are diaper creams considered medication?
What procedure is used to keep account of each child during an emergency plan of evacuation?
Where should table top toys be located in the classroom?
Near and accessible from the tables
When should time-off request forms be submitted?
Two weeks before the request off date
How many tablespoons of bleach are there per 16oz of water for the diaper changing?
1 tablespoon
Prescription and over-the-counter medicines are brought for an individual child by which person?
The parent
Where can you find all emergency numbers?
In the classroom
What times of the day should trash be taken out and replaced in the classroom?
After every meal time
Where should personal phones be located at?
Locked up/Put away
How many dolls are required to be in a classroom of six 1-year-olds?
What times of the day should children be health-monitored?
Initially and throughout the hours of care (all the time!)
First aid kits are accessible to personnel and inaccessible to who?
The children
Where should each teacher be located at on an outdoor play area?
Spaced out/opposite sides of each other and always moving around!
What kind of water bottle is allowed to be in the classrooms?
A clear cup/bottle
How many times does a child have to vomit to be sent home because of an illness?
Two or more times in a 24-hour period
What is the only item allowed in an infants crib?
A pacifier (only when it is being used)
Where should the evacuation routes be located?
Posted in each classroom
What determines the capacity for the children in each room?
Square footage
How much iPad time is given to each child?
In a mixed age group, how many 2 year olds can be in a 3 year old classroom who is in a 1:12 classroom ratio?
No more than four 2-year-olds per teaching personnel
What ages is hand-sanitizer not appropriate for children?
0 to 1-years-old
What documents are posted privately(confidential) in the classroom?
Children with known allergies
Toys of what size is considered a choking hazard?
Anything that has a diameter smaller than one and a quarter inch.
What is the 5:00pm activity on each classroom schedule?
Table toys.