It's a-me, Mario!
Sega does what nintendon't
Memorable Commercials
Ah, Shoot!
This 1986 game was not released in America until 1993, with Nintendo claiming it was "too hard" for western gamers.
What is Super Mario Bros; The Lost Levels?
1994's Sonic the Hedgehog 3 had a soundtrack that was composed by this famous musician, but he didn't take credit for it.
Who is Michael Jackson?
"Something's gone horribly wrong in the world of Nintendo!" along with Mario, Donkey kong, Yoshi, and Pikachu all beating each other up to advertise this game.
What is Super Smash Bros?
The 3rd best-selling N64 game, this was based on a movie that came out 2 years before it.
What is 007; Goldeneye?
As unrealistic as the fatalities are, this game was essentially the reason the ESRB Formed.
What is Mortal Kombat?
The very first time anyone ever played this game was at the Nintendo World Championships 2015 with creator Shigeru Myamoto making a speech after the game was over.
What is Super Mario Maker?
Due to Sega's less conservative policies at the time, This 1992 game was released with all the blood and gore not included in the SNES version, although you had to enter a code to get it.
What is Mortal Kombat?
"It's ______ And it's really rad! Those Creatures from Ganon are really bad..."
What is The Legend of Zelda?
A time-travelling marine, a busty female cop, and a gingerbread man are just some of the characters you can play as in this 2005 EA shooter.
What is Timesplitters; Future Perfect?
This lawyer was infamous for starting lawsuits against game companies throughout the turn of the 21st century, before finally being disbarred in 2008.
Who is Jack Thompson?
This game featured a knock-off of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as the first bosses, holding a Star Spirit hostage.
What is Paper Mario?
9/9/99 (September 9th, 1999) was the release date of this.
What is the Sega Dreamcast?
WWE Superstar John Cena claimed his moves would "light up your joystick." in this Gamecube Wrestling Game's Commercial.
What is WWE Day of Reckoning?
Nintendo allowed players a chance to "Stay Fresh" by participating in a Global Testfire for this game on May 9th, 2015.
What is Splatoon?
An infamous mod put "Hot Coffee" into this 2004 game, Putting it in hot water with the ESRB, who immediately gave it an AO rating.
What is Grand Theft Auto; San Andreas?
in 1995, Mario's Fundamentals was the first time this gentleman provided the voice for Mario, a role he still fulfills to this day.
Who is Charles Martinee?
This 1995 Racing simulator isn't famous for it's graphics or gameplay, but it's incredibly happy "Game over...yeah!" screen.
What is Sega Rally?
This Atari game commercial featured a family out for a sunday drive, before being dropped out of their car. The announcer claims this game "Will bust your crank, and leave skidmarks on your soul."
What is Pole Position?
"Headshot" from this 1999 Epic Games online Shooter has almost become an internet meme.
What is Unreal Tournament?
This 2009 video game teaser garnered controversy by an African American group claiming the game was racist, because it portrayed a white male shooting zombies in Africa.
What is Resident Evil 5?
If getting hit with a blue shell doesn't hurt enough, it's possible to get crushed by these bullies in Bowser's Castle.
What are Thwomps?
Bowie, Chester, and Sarah are the first characters you get in this 1994 Sega RPG.
What is Shining Force 2?
At the end of tapes for the TV shows based on these games, An advertisement shows a bus driver cramming all the game's characters into his bus so he can play it on his Gameboy.
What is Pokémon Red & Blue?
One of the most popular launch titles for the Xbox 360, had you throwing potatoes in the tutorial.
What is Call of Duty 2?
At one point, this game was considered satanic, until the Vatican claimed that it "Had no moral side effects" despite the fact a 9 year old stabbed a 13 year old over the game's cards.
What is Pokémon?