The Best selling Nintendo game (made by Nintendo) of all time is this.
Wii Sports
Most popular Sega game.
Sonic the Hedgehog
1 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 12 + 24
This was the best selling game for the PS1 which people raced to the stores to get. However they had to pass some test first before they were allowed to race.
Gran Turismo
Best selling Original Xbox game.
Halo 2
In 'Animal Crossing' this currency is used to pay back Tom Nook for your start-up supplies.
Nook Miles
The last Console that Sega made was this.
The Dreamcast
Which Playstation model was the first to have internet capabilities to play online games.
The best selling Xbox 360 game.
Kinect Adventures
In 1988, Gunpei Yokoi and his team managed to develop the first handheld video game console to be compatible with interchangeable game cartridges.
Game Boy
A CD add-on for the Sega Genesis that let you play optical discs which could hold movies and high quality audio. It was not well received but has a strong base of fans.
Sega CD
When the PS3 was released, this was a new feature that allowed you to do more than just play video games.
Watch blue rays and online tv streaming sites.
The best selling Xbox one game is this.
Froza 4
This was the first N64 game to support the Rumble Pak.
Star Fox 64
In 1993 this game became the first 3D fighter game.
Virtual Fighter
This duo is the official mascot for the Play Station brand after the original Polygon of course
Toro and Kuro
This is currently the best selling Xbox series X game.
Halo Infinite
Where is Nintendo's HQ located?
Kyoto Japan
This console was released after Sega had exhausted adding attachments to the original Sega Genesis. Which was released on time with the PS1.
Sega Saturn
The PlayStation was first designed as a companion to this 16bit gaming console.
Super Nintendo
When did online play start for the xbox live online gaming play start.