A shooter game where your vantage point is a camera behind the character you control.
TPS - Third-Person Shooter
A shooter game that puts you inside the character you control.
FPS - First-Person Shooter
Additional monster summoned by one you’re fighting.
A network or rendering delay that slows your game’s response time.
An inexperienced newcomer to a game.
A game where hundreds or thousands of players share the same persistent online world.
MMO - Massively Multiplayer Online game
A game in which players take on the part of imaginary characters and engage in adventures, typically in a fantasy setting, and overseen by a referee.
RPG - A Role-Playing Game
When a monster is aggravated and focused on you.
Items that drop from enemies or that you find while exploring.
The term for any game, or aspect of a game, where players compete against each other. Specifically, when your character fights another player’s character.
PVP or Player Versus Player
An online role-playing video game in which a very large number of people participate simultaneously.
MMORPG - A Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Paying Game
A subgenre of strategy video games in which two teams of players compete against each other on a predefined battlefield.
MOBA - Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
A computer-controlled AI player; sometimes used as an insult referring to new, unskilled players.
An attribute assigned to characters in role-playing or video games that allows them to perform magic.
Mana or MP (Magic Points)
When you leave a game in anger after losing a match.
A a subgenre of strategy video games with fast-paced tactical action.
RTS - Real-Time Strategy games
Games that emulate real experiences, such as racing or flying.
SIM - Simulation games
A closed-off area of a game with powerful enemies and big rewards.
A game update that limits the power of a strong weapon or ability.
A team-based mission, usually in a unique dungeon, including significant boss encounters.
A raid
A subgenre of strategy-based games. The gameplay generally involves building an empire. Emphasis is placed upon economic and technological development, as well as a range of military and non-military routes to supremacy. The goal is to take over the world.
4X - eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate games
A non-linear game with an open world that you can explore freely.
Sandbox games
The display of your player status, skills, and spells
HUD / UI - Heads-Up Display / User Interface
Any character in a game that is not controlled by a player. They often further the story of the game.
NPC - Non-Player Character
A player’s online name. In MMORPGs, it also refers to identifying a target enemy from a group.