Who is undertales creator?
Toby Fox
Toby Fox
VOTE!: Fortnite question Or Minecraft question?
M: Minecraft is made by Epic games! Or is it made by Mojang..?
F: Are the marauders from save da world?
Fortnites answer: Yes
Minecrafts answer: Mojang! If you got this wrong how darez you
How much games are there in roblox?
40 something.
40 Million games
Mojang's favorite game?
If you got this wrong... your untalented.. (jk)Answer is Minecraft.
Mojang or Epic Games?
Epic Games!
The final character?
Asgore! King of the under ground!
What do i prefer?
Depends. When i wanna choose what games i wanna play its roblox, when i wanna build/ mine its minecraft and when i wanna murder idiots it is Fortnite
Papyrus will be in the ____________!!!
Royale Gaurd