What animal are you?
What is Mario Kart?
Mario Kart, duh
How do you get new outfits?
What are the characters you can play as?
Sonic, Amy, Tails, Knuckles
What do you do in this game?
You have fun!
How do you get feathers?
From birds
Is Mario Kart a good game?
Your opinion
What do you do in this game?
What is the first mini boss of the game?
Ninja, then Tower
What is the most powerful copy ability?
Time crash
How do you get the special teleport power?
From the raccoon 🦝
What race course has the best music in the game?
Yoshi's Island
What are some tricks can do?
180, backflip, front flip, whatever you can do without hitting your face
What is the best song in the game?
What is the creepiest character in Kirby and the forgotten land?
Chaos elfilis soul
How do you get phones?
You trip people who have phones
What is the most annoying item in the game?
Blue shell
Are snowboards going to be added?
What is the creepiest boss in the game?
The End
What is the best song in Kirby and the forgotten land?
Welcome to the new world
Why do you need to trip people with sandwiches?
Take the bread and hunt some birds
How do you block a blue shell?
With a boombox
Can you use skis for people in wheelchairs?
Yes, two options.
What is John's favorite character?
Knuckles, then Amy
What is John's favorite copy ability?
Morpho knight sword