If you know Nintendo, you likely know this Italian Plumber who wears a red hat and saves princesses all the time.
Who is (Super) Mario?
This is a franchise commonly spelled as a 3-letter acronym where you steal cars and cause lots of damage.
What is GTA (grand theft auto)?
Created in 1996 and its first episode airing in 2000, this franchise started out as a TV show but eventually spiraled out into a BUNCH of video games in the early 2000s. It is three syllables and is commonly spelled with two hyphens in its name and an exclamation mark.
Here's an image I found on google that would show you something related to the franchise: https://bit.ly/2IqLAa1
Do you remember this ape who tried to kidnap Princess Peach and is the great rival of Mario? Apparently, he has his own franchise, too.
Who is Donkey Kong?
Starting out as a Nintendo Franchise, these games involve a little blue man with a blaster for a hand trying to defeat Dr. Wily and his evil robot schemes.
What is Mega Man?
This franchise stars a pink puffball who devours everything in his path.
What is Kirby?
This game franchise shares a name with the scientific term with radioactive particles that are carried into the atmosphere after a nuclear explosion. Its most recent game had "76" in it.
What is Fallout?
Name this franchise with the Triforce in it.
(be specific)
What is The Legend of Zelda?
This RPG franchise is known for its ridiculously long gameplay. Its name contains the word "Final".
What is Final Fantasy?
What is the PS4? (PS4 pro also allowed)
This is a real person, call him by his YouTube channel name.
Who is PewDiePie?
This character from the F-Zero series is not known for his games, but his infamous punch from Super Smash Brothers.
Who is Captain Falcon?
Popular characters from this fighting game franchise include Scorpion and Subzero. The second word of the franchise is spelled incorrectly on purpose.
What is Mortal Kombat?
On this console is an acronym. Say what the acronym stands for in your answer.
(may need to enlarge)
What is the PlayStation Portable?
Actually, this English author is most known for memes about him. He is known for one meme in particular...
...it's a pretty "nice" meme. (haha)
Who is Michael Rosen?