This greeting goes hand in hand with !germyo
Guten Morgen
This tem has its own luma catching location named after them
This character got shoved off a ledge in Kisiwa
All these tem's lumas turn them pink.
One answer is sufficient.
Mimit, Platypet, Fomu, Ukama, Raignet, Kalazu, Maoala
The name of a technique unique to chromeon or koish
Torrent or Streams
This tem is the queen of stall and all things that buzz
This character shoved someone off a ledge in Kisiwa
General X
If you're hungry for asparagus, then you might want this mythical luma
This triple prio, 0 hold crystal technique has a fairly high base power
Crystal Spikes
This club member took 21+ radars to get a luma Smazee
This tem, not including the starters, is given to tamers at the start of their journey
This clan of evildoers serves as the main antagonistic force throughout the campaign
Clan Belsoto
This little tem's luma turns them red and black from blue and gold
This sleepy technique oxes the caster
Jinxed Whisper
This club member is synonymous with the phrase "Smoke up"
These tems are synonymous with the campaign.
One answer is sufficient.
Tuwai, Anahir, or Zizare
This character is the final boss of the campaign
Konstantinos/Konstantinos Rex
The lumas of all the starter tems share this color
If you're parched, then a nice cold lemonade might feel like this to you, minus the ing
German Vidiots reside in this American state
These three tems have more than one evolutionary line.
All three answers are required.
Towly, Venx, and Tukai
These two characters got married at the end of the campaign.
One answer is sufficient.
Carlos or Sasaya
This tem is the most common luma
The name of this technique is what happened to the Dinosaurs