Inspired by a pizza missing a slice the world went into a "fever" for this game in 1980.
What is PacMan
These were the first of the so called "Pocket Monsters" that you could choose from.
This quote from the game Portal became incredibly grating when overused by internet communities.
The Cake is a Lie
Considered by many to be the first home video game console
The Magnovox Odyssey
This game company was founded by ex Microsoft employees
What is Valve
This arcade hit is about dueling Knights. Weirdly instead of horses they have ostriches.
Although he has played tennis, golf and even go karts with Mario, he has yet to appear in a mainline Mario game.
Who is Waluigi
A Skyrim guard used to be an adventurer like you until this injury happened.
Arrow to the knee
This console is the first to be released for the sixth generation.
The Sega Dreamcast
This large developer is headquarted in Montreuil France.
What is Ubisoft
This game stars Sir Graham as he tries to save the Kingdom of Daventry.
What is King's Quest
This "sinister inter-dimensional bureaucrat" is encountered many times and is usually referred by a single letter of the alphabet followed by "man"
Who is the G-Man
This early internet meme has its origins in the 1992 Sega Genesis port of the game Zero Wing and is an example of engrish
All your base are belong to us
This popular handheld released for 89 US Dollars
What is the GameBoy
Although the games they make usually parody parts of american culture these developers are originally from the UK.
Who is Rockstar
This computer game was named after a quote from the movie The Color of Money.
What is Doom
This is the name that Fallout 1 uses to refer to the player character.
Vault Dweller
This meme was based on an off model sprite of a mario brother in the game Mario is Missing
Who is WeeGee
This crowd funded game console is considered a massive failure
What is the OUYA
These high fragging devs originally worked for a game magazine company called Softdisk.
Who is ID
This games credits included names such as Vram Stoker, Love Chaney Jr, and Boris Karloffice
What is Castlevania
This is the first boss found on level 2 of a certain Diabolic Blizzard game
Who is The Butcher
This barding based game item became a meme and a criticism on overpriced or useless DLC
What is Horse Armor
This console is the longest produced game console stopping 13 years after the first one rolled of the line
Makers of a variety of games like Earthworm Jim, Clayfighters, and Fallout.
Who is Interplay