Mostly 10.2
Mostly 10.3
Mostly 10.4
It could be anything.

This was created in 1961. It sent American Volunteers around the world on "missions of Freedom" to assist developing countries. They worked to provide technical, educational, and health services. 

What is The Peace Corps


This is the jellied gasoline which was dropped in large canisters that exploded on impact, covering large areas in flames. 



1.5 million young men who were drafted into the military and had been assigned a tour in Vietnam in accordance with the Selective Service Act of 1948 were called this. 



This was the village where American forces searching for enemy troops began shooting and killing unarmed civilians. Lt. Calley's units frustration boiled over into one of the worst war crimes during Americas time in Vietnam. 

My Lai


Guerrilla fighters called this, launched an insurgency in which they assassinated government officials and destroyed roads and bridges. They were supplied by communists in North Vietnam, they employed surprise hit-and-run tactics to weaken Diem's hold on South Vietnam. 



This was when Kennedy decided to let a bunch of CIA trained Cuban Exiles invade Cuba to try and over through Castro and oust the Communist Government. 

Bay of Pigs Invasion. 


This group of mostly conservatives that supported Johnson's wa policy. They believed strongly in the containment of communism and the domino theory, they accepted rising troop levels, escalating costs. and increasing numbers of battlefield deaths. 



We saw this emerge between the Government and the People because what the Johnson administration said about the war and what many journalists reported about it was different. The American public no longer trusted what the government was saying about Vietnam. 

Credibility Gap. 


On the heels of My Lai this paper was printed in the New York Times. It was a classified government history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam from 1945-1967. The study was leaked by a government whistle blower. The study revealed that American leaders involved the United States in Vietnam without fully informing the public and that President Johnson had even lied to Congress. 

Pentagon Papers


This program created by Kennedy promised to resurrect America's Good Neighbor policy toward Latin America. Kennedy hoped that this program would create Alliances that would bring about positive Progress toward easing tension between the U.S. and Latin America. 

Alliance of Progress. 


This was the first nuclear-weapons agreement, which ended above ground nuclear tests. The United States, Great Britain, and the soviet Union were the first to sign it. Eventually 36 other nations soon signed the agreement. 

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. 


He was the American commander in South Vietnam. He is the General that asked LBJ for more ground troops so he could take the fight to the Vietcong and the NVA. 

William Westmoreland. 


The large scale offensive was named after the Vietnamese lunar new year. IT was a coordinated assault on 36 provincial capitals and 5 major cities, as well as the U.S. embassy in Saigon. 

Tet Offensive. 


In January of 1973 The united States, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the Vietcong signed this Peace agreement. The parties agreed to a cease-fire and a U.S. troop withdrawal from South Vietnam. POWs would be exchanged, but North Vietnamese troops would remaining South Vietnam. 

Paris Peace Accords. 


He is a hyper-intelligent telepathic gorilla able to control the minds of others. He was an average ape until an alien spacecraft crashed into his African home. He and his tribe of gorillas were imbued with super-intelligence by the ship's pilot. He constructed the super-advanced Gorilla City. The gorillas lived in peace until their home was discovered by explorers. He took over Gorilla City, planning to conquer the world next. He was stopped by the Flash and was is one of the Flashes biggest adversaries to date. 

Gorilla Grodd


This resolution authorized the President "to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression" The resolution gave Johnson Tremendous war powers without going to Congress to get a declaration of war. 

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. 


This group broke with Johnson's war policy. It was a diverse group that included liberal politicians, pacifists, student radicals, and civil rights leaders, they questioned the war on both moral and strategic grounds. 



He was John F. Kennedys brother who ran for president against LBJ. He was a very popular Antiwar candidate who thought the war had divided America and drained resources away from the fights against poverty and discrimination. He was later assassinated in June of 1968.

Robert Kennedy. 


This act restricted the President's war-making powers by requiring him to consult with Congress within 48 hours of committing forces to a foreign conflict. The act was a congressional attempts to check the unilateral formation of American foreign policy and stop the growth of the "imperial presidency". 

War Powers Act. 


This is the Continent that Vietnam is located on. 



He was the Soviet Premier (Leader of the Soviet Union aka Russia) who butted heads with Kennedy when it came to the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Berlin wall. 

Nikita Khrushchev. 


This was created to be like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Its goal was to contain the spread of communism in Southeast Asia. 

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization. 


He became the most important voice demanding independence for Vietnam. He became involved in anti-French organizations as a young and and fled Vietnam in 1912. He embraced communism and eventually Soviet communists rallied to his cause. 

Ho Chi Minh


This was the idea that if Vietnam fell to communism, its closest neighbors would follow. This in turn would threaten Japan, the Philippine's, and Australia. In short, stopping the communists in Vietnam was important to the protection of the entire region. 

Domino Theory. 


This 96 Mile long wall separated the communist east and capitalist west of this Eastern European city. 

Berlin Wall. 
