What does ??? mean? (nghĩa là)
What does pho mean?
When is Gregorian new years day in Vietnam? (not lunar new year)
January 1st
What is the capital of Vietnam?
What is this bird?
What is the Vietnamese Pheasant?
How long do students study in Vietnam?
What is 12 years?
cooked rice
What does com mean?
February 10 to February 16
when is TET 2021?
Who is the father of Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh
What is this animal?
What is the Tam Dao salamander?
Approximately (xấp xỉ) how many students are there in 1 class?
What is 40
What does bo mean?
Thursday, February 11, 2021
When is Vietnamese New Year's Eve 2021?
What year did Ho Chi Minh die?
This big, slow moving animal helps with farming, is heavy, has large curved (cong) horns and likes water.
What is the Water Buffalo?
The number of days a week Vietnamese students go to school.
What are they?
What is 6 days?
Monday to Saturday.
what does bum mean?
Wednesday April 21
When is Hùng Kings' Festival 2021?
When is Vietnam independence day?
September 2
It lives in the jungle, likes to swing on vines (dây leo), and eats bananas.
What is the monkey
What are 3 subjects you can you study at primary school in Vietnam?
Vietnamese Maths English History Geography
Art Physical Education
pudding made from sticky rice
what is che?
Labor Day was on 4th day of week, 5th month, first day, 2019.
Labor Day was on Wednesday, May 1, 2019
What year was Vietnam founded (thành lập)?
September ?, 19??
September 2, 1945
It lives in rivers, is large, has many teeth and is very dangerous.
What is the crocodile
Free Fire, PUBG, Among Us
What 3 things don''t we study at school?