Lucky Dip
August Revolution
French Influence
Diem Regime
Tet 1968
Name two countries close to Vietnam
Laos, Thailand, Cambodia
After which war did the August Revolution happen?
World War 2
What were the dates of the First Indo-China War?
Why were the Americans keen to get Ngo Dinh Diem in as the leader of South Vietnam?
He was anti-communist and they wanted to avoid South Vietnam being the next domino to fall
What three events started 1968 in a bad way?
Khe Sanh, My Lai and Chicago Riots
Which US President was in power when the Gulf of Tonkin incident happened?
President Johnson
Which Nationalist group played a major role in the revolution happening?
the Viet Minh
Which leader did the French look to as a ruler of Cocinchina in 1948 as part of the Elysee Agreement?
Bao Dai
What sort of people were the 900,000 that flooded South into Diem's South Vietnam seeking protection?
Mainly Catholics.
How did the Tet Offensive shift the scenes where the war was primarily being carried out?
Moved it from the countryside into the cities
What does ARVN stand for?
The Army of the Republic of Viet Nam
On 2nd September 1945 Ho Chi Minh made a declaration. What did he declare and in what city was he when he declared it?
He was based in Hanoi and declared the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV)
What was the French policy of "Jaunissement" or yellowing?
Making stronger Vietnamese units to show a true "anti-communist" Nationalist force.
Diem needed to secure his position as leader. What sort of groups did he aim to suppress immediately?
Buddhists, Criminals (opium and prostitution rings), Communists, and Bao Dai
What targets did the Viet Cong attack in Saigon?
Presidential Palace, airport, radio station, US Embassy
In what role did the US troops first enter Viet Nam?
As advisors to the French and South Vietnamese armies. Not meant to be combat troops
Name the four "Allies" from the war that did NOT want to see Vietnam independent after the Revolution
Britain, USA, USSR, China
What did the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu mean for the Vietnamese forces of Ho Chi Minh?
Realized they could defeat a major super-power in battle, allowed them to have a stronger negotiating position at the upcoming Peace Conference in Geneva
Diem implemented a lot of land reforms that affected the Peasants. What sort of people were appointed mayors and councillors during this time? What was the reaction by the peasants to this?
Mainly Catholics who were anti-communists, and they were outsiders. The Peasants resented these appointments.
What did the Tet Offensive lead to in the second half of 1968
Secret peace talks started by President Johnson
What was the Domino Effect?
the fear that one nation after another would collapse and fall to Communism
Name TWO compromises that Ho Chi Minh had to agree to with the French after the Revolution
1) Ho's North Vietnam would be recognized only as a free state within the French Union of Indo-China; 2) Cocinchina would be separate and it's future decided by a referendum at a later date 3) Ho would have to allow 25000 French troops in Vietnam for the next 5yrs
What were the two major settlements from the Geneva Peace Conference?
1) The Dividing Line between North and South of Vietnam would be placed on the 17th Parallel - closer to North Vietnam. 2) Nationwide elections would be held to decide whether to unite Vietnam in 1956 instead of 1954
What date did the coup d'etat against Diem take place?
1st November 1963
Who won the Tet offensive (i.e. American's or Viet Cong). Justify your answer with at least TWO points
Answers could include: US defeated the Vietnamese but at large loss of life, severely depleted the Viet Cong and NVAs troop numbers so they couldn't launch a major offensive again for some time. OR Viet Cong won as the US morale was broken especially back home. Became clear to the shocked US leaders that they were not invincible and unlikely to ever win the war there.