The name of the motel we stayed in
Vin Vuong Motel
The proper way to receive things in Vietnam (two possible answers)
With two hands, not opening gifts in public
How An is known for this dish which we tasted during our scavenger hunt
Cao Lau
Original name of Ho Chi Minh
What birthdays have we had on this trip? (People, dates, ages)
Hong - 16 and 46 Calliope - 17 and 16 Leila - 21 and 16
The names of the Three drinks frequently given during the work day
Kumquat tea, Sugar can juice, carrot pineapple juice
Name three poses commonly used when taking pictures and do them
Heart, check mark, peace sign
Here the longest suspension bridge is in the shape of what animal?
Da Nang, Dragon
Vietnams national animal and its reason
Water Buffalo, it has big watery eyes and through them you can see it’s soul (it is believed that the buffalo is the only animal that has a soul)
How many siblings does Mackenzie have and what number sibling is she?
She is the youngest of seven
The name and correct spelling of the person who Cooked every meal for us in the village (bonus 50 points if you know what his name means)
Muon, means plentiful
Typical dessert served in Vietnam and name some of the types
Fruit, mango, dragon fruit, pineapple
This place probably houses a lot of people with stinky breath
Ly Son island, garlic
Vietnam is home to this many motor bike users
60 million
The names of Leilas cats
Yoshi, Sushi, Lily, Millie
The words to say when making a toast in Vietnamese
Một, hai, ba, dô!
This spice used to cook ( we used it in our cooking class) is also used to bring what?
Cumin, good-luck
This city is home of the largest mosaic in the world (bonus if you can describe what it depicts)
Hanoi, Vietnamese mythology and history
What are the three animals that make up the statues we saw outside of the citadel?
Tiger, turtle, dragon
What cool sports has Hung done? (There many but I am looking for two specific ones!)
Dragon boat racing, foosball
The name of the host village we worked in
What in vietnamese culture related to chopsticks is bad luck? What is the reason you leave three chopsticks in offerings for the dead?
Sticking your chopsticks directly upwards in rice, so the dead go slower when they eat the food and don’t fight
If ranked by scale this statue of a well known religious figure would rank what place?
Buddha, third in the world
National flower of Vietnam (bonus what does it represent)
Lotus flower, and it represents purity, optimism and hope for the future
What profession was Duy, our tour guide, planning in pursuing? Why did he not become this profession?
Policemen, your heritage has to be completely Vietnamese and his grandfather worked in a french hospital.