What was the significance of the Vin Moc Tunnels?
To shelter people from the bombings
Ho Chi Minh controlled which part of Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh controlled the Northern part of Vietnam
Tet Offensive happened when?
January 31, 1968
When did the Fall of Saigon happen?
March 4, 1975 - April 30, 1975
People who fled were called what?
"Boat People"
The Battle of Hue was one of the bloodiest battles recorded.
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu became the president in which year?
What were the Tet Offensive attakcs?
Attacks by Northern Vietnam in Southern Vietnam
How many people died?
More than 2 million people
How many people fled by boat?
Nearly 800,000 people fled by boat
The Battle of Khe Sahn was in which country?
The battle of Khe Sahn was in Laos
True or false: Nguyễn Văn Thiệu was born into wealth
When did it occur?
During the Vietnamese holiday; Tet
Which side won?
The northern side won (the communists)
When did the refugees flee?
Towards the end of the war in 1975
Vinh Moc Tunnels bordered what?
Northern and Southern Vietnam
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu started with which army?
He first worked with the French army first
How many cites were attacked?
Over 100
It marked what?
The end of the Vietnam War
What happened to the boats majority of the time?
The boats sank
The Battle of Khe Sanh killed how many people?
1,600 people were killed
When was Ho Chi Minh born?
May 19, 1890
Who won?
The communists (Northern Vietnam)
True or False: It reunited Vietnam under the Norths (communists) control
They were called this because people would escape on boats