This theory suggested that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would follow.
What is the Domino Theory?
This Great Society program provided health insurance for elderly Americans.
What is Medicare?
Members of the counterculture who rejected conventional society, often associated with peace, love, and drug use.
Who are hippies?
This president implemented the Great Society programs.
Who is Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ)?
The difference between what the government said and what the public believed to be true.
What is the Credibility Gap?
Nixon's policy of gradually withdrawing U.S. troops and transferring responsibility to South Vietnamese forces.
What is Vietnamization?
The goal of Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs.
What is to reduce poverty and racial injustice in the United States?
This movement was youth-led and rejected mainstream American culture and values.
What is the Counterculture Movement?
This president introduced the policy of Vietnamization.
Who is Richard Nixon?
The media affected the Vietnam War by doing this.
What is bringing graphic images of the war into American homes, influencing public opinion?
This resolution gave the president broad powers to conduct military operations in Southeast Asia without a formal declaration of war.
What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
This act, part of the Great Society, created programs to fight poverty, including Job Corps and Head Start.
What is the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964?
The counterculture movement affected music during the Vietnam War in this way.
What is inspiring protest songs and anti-war themes in popular music?
This amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18.
What is the 26th Amendment?
These classified documents revealed the U.S. government had misled the public about the Vietnam War.
What are the Pentagon Papers?
The United States supported South Vietnam in this way.
What are military advisors, troops, weapons, and financial aid?
This department, created by the Great Society, aimed to improve housing conditions and urban development.
What is the Department of Housing and Urban Development?
This tragic event occurred when National Guard troops fired on student protesters at Kent State University.
What is the Kent State Shooting?
This highly decorated U.S. Army Special Forces soldier received the Medal of Honor for his actions in Vietnam.
Who is Roy Benavidez?
Two types of media that covered the Vietnam War.
What are television news, photojournalism, newspapers, magazines, radio broadcasts, or documentary films? (Any two)
A key difference between this war and the Korean War was its duration of 20 years versus 3 years.
What is the Vietnam War?
Name two characteristics of the 1960s besides the Vietnam War and Great Society programs.
What are the Civil Rights movement, counterculture, and space race? (Any two)
Two examples of how the public responded to the Vietnam War.
What are anti-war protests, draft resistance, campus unrest, or support for veterans? (Any two)
This act limited the president's power to commit armed forces to foreign combat without congressional approval.
What is the War Powers Act?
The Vietnam War affected the American public's view of the government in this way.
What is leading to increased distrust and skepticism towards the government?