Is this a primary or secondary source?
Primary source
Name the three Viking social classes.
Jarls, Karls, and Thralls.
Name the Viking celebration that is similar to Christmas.
What was the main form of travel for Vikings?
True or false?
Vikings had horns on their helmets
What is a primary source? Include an example.
Primary Sources are artefacts that come from the period in history we are exploring. These include helmets, diary entries, photos, etc.
Which social class did Viking slaves belong to?
Name three Norse Gods.
Thor, Loki, Odin, Freya
Vikings travelled for three reasons, what where they?
Raiding, trading, or settling.
What does SASY stand for?
S - Start with the source, what is the source saying?
A - Answer the question directly
S - Select and embed quotes (or features from a visual source)
Y - Use your own knowledge to support you answer
Is this a primary or a secondary source?
Bonus point: This would be a primary source if people in the future were to study how year 8 students in 2024 learned about humanities.
Which social class did farmers, merchants, and craftsmen belong to?
Name one of the three worlds in Norse Mythology.
Asgard, Midgard, Niflheim or Hel
True or false?
Vikings travelled as far as Russia and Canada.
True or false?
Vikings were very conscious about hygiene and would often dye their hair, wear mascara, and they would have multiple combs for different purposes.
What is a secondary source?
Secondary Sources are sources that are made after the historical event by someone who did not experience it first hand. These include textbooks, biographies, reconstructions, etc.
A thing
What is the name of the stories that tell us about Norse mythology?
The Sagas
What is one reason that Viking Longships were so advanced for their time.
- they were swift, flexible and shallow, which allowed them to navigate various waters (including very shallow water)
- they were light weight, which meant they could be carried across land
- the design of the sails meant they could sail against the wind
- the keel provided stability in deep-sea voyages
What is the name of the rainbow bridge that connects the world in Norse mythology?
The Bifrost
Justify if a primary source or a secondary source is more reliable.
Some believe a primary source is more reliable because it gives us a direct connection to the time in history that we are studying. Others believe secondary sources are more reliable because primary sources often need explanation and contextualisation by comparing it to other sources, to fully understanding it's meaning.
What was found on the Oseberg Longship and why is it important?
Two women and a bunch of riches and animals. This shows how respected some women were in Viking culture.
List three similarities between Yule and Christmas.
- Held in December
- Trees decorated with ornaments
- Santa/Odin flying across the sky over night
- Leaving gifts out over night for Santa/Odin
- Wreathes and mistletoe
- Feasting, singing, playing games
What was the name of the raid that is said to have started the reputation of Vikings being ruthless warriors?
The Raid on Lindesfarne
What were the name of the four dwarves that hold up the sky in Norse Mythology?
North, South, East, and West